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How long does postpartum hair loss last

Among newborns, many newborn mothers begin to notice an increase in hair loss in the first few months of life.

While this may be relevant to most people, telogen flux post childbirth it is completely normal and physiological.

However, mothers should be aware of the duration of the disease, as postpartum hair loss usually lasts only a few months, which is very important.

During this period, the sudden drop in the concentration of progesterone and estrogen will affect the hair's life cycle and cause them to become brittle and weak.

In addition, in women undergoing cesarean, the use of surgical pressure and medication on the joints after surgery.

During anesthesia it can cause internal reactions and worsen the condition. Although it is considered a completely normal thing.

It is important to be aware of the amount of hair lost each day and the course of the disease and seek medical help if necessary.

Knowing this, we have separated some important information about the subject so that you can better understand how to act in this situation.

When does postpartum hair loss start?

From the third month after the baby is born, the hair usually falls out more than usual, but some women appear even earlier.

That's because when the scalp suffers a certain type of damage, it doesn't come out immediately and it takes months for the hair to cope with the problem.

How long does it last?

In most cases, the duration of postpartum hair loss is about 3 months. However, this time and the severity of the problem differed for each woman and body.

What is the average number of strands lost during postpartum?

Postpartum women lose 30% of all hairs, and the difference between hairs can reach 50%. Due to the hair's life cycle, an adult usually loses 100 hairs a day.

While a postpartum woman can lose up to 500 hairs a day, regardless of the alarm clock. However, if the problem bothers you or you think you've lost a lot.

It is important to seek medical help to investigate the problem and try to reduce the fall.

How to prevent postpartum hair loss?

To keep the menu diversified, it is recommended not to repeat lunch at dinner time. And make different meals to ensure greater variety and nutrient content.

During this period, it is important to invest in the following foods:

Iron: beans, red meat, spinach, beets and coriander;

Protein: meat, eggs, milk and dairy products in general;

Zinc: Brazil nuts;

Vitamin A: raw spinach and carrots.

An option that helps to increase your intake of these foods during the day is vitamins and juices for healthy hair.

An example is 1 carrot, 1 apple and 1 tablespoon of grated chestnut juice.

You can also mix vitamins in a blender with protein-rich foods (such as milk or plain yogurt).

Fruits rich in vitamins (such as papaya, carrots, oranges and Brazil nuts) that are good for the hair.

These nuts can not only keep you fuller longer and benefit from the fiber of nuts, but they also help control hair loss.

Use products for fragile hair

The sulfate-free shampoo, that is, the shampoo without sulfate, it is best suited for this stage because the hair will be more brittle and fragile.

Although sulfates are an ingredient in deep cleaning, they usually end up eroding the hair, especially when the hair is fragile.

Under these circumstances, the ideal is to invest in hair care cosmetics for hair loss, which, in addition to controlling hair loss. Tit also contributes to the growth of new hair.

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