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Homemade hair loss shampoo: know how to do it

Betting on a more homemade measure to combat hair loss is the best option for you.

Hair loss is a problem that worries and devastates the lives of thousands of women. However, many brands of shampoo end up going overboard when it comes to chemical additives in formulas. With that in mind, we came up with a way on how to make homemade hair loss shampoo, to end this problem once and for all.

But first of all, it is necessary to understand that one of the main reasons for your hair to be falling out may be the lack of vitamins in your body. Thousands of women, when they realize this problem, end up resorting to BeautVip, and achieving incredible results, as it contains the main vitamins for your hair to always grow healthy and attractive.

But why is my hair falling out?

Vitamin deficiency is one of the problems mentioned above, which most favors hair loss. However, it may not be the only one, since healthy hair depends on several external factors, which may or may not be controlled, or diminished.

One of the biggest mistakes when taking care of your hair is to go long periods without moisturizes them, especially after making changes to its color, shape or radical changes in the care routine. Washing the hair with water at high temperatures is also a big factor for the beginning of the fall, as the hot water opens the hair follicles, causing immense damage to the strands.

Using beauty products without quality seal and inspection is also a big mistake that can make your hair start to lose structure, and end up falling out. That's why we've brought you a more sustainable and reliable option for hair loss shampoo.

The recipes we will make will be based on aloe, castor oil and rosemary, as they are one of the best allies of hair. Many women do not know, but rosemary can also be used in hair care, as it helps to clean the scalp, due to its its vasodilating, stimulating and astringent action. Knowing the benefits that these plants can bring to your hair, we selected here, shampoo recipes for homemade hair loss: 

Homemade shampoo with aloe: 

Hair loss; see homemade shampoo recipes to combat this evil.

Aloe, the champion in hair care. Aloe is responsible for hydrating the threads, in addition to bringing countless benefits to the scalp. Therefore, its use in a shampoo is more than recommended.  

But come on, the recipe is pretty simple. just take a pot of neutral shampoo (because it's neutral base, it won't harm your hair, and it will mix well with the other ingredients), and also 4 aloe leaves (3 is enough, but the more the better), put on the shopping list too, the rosemary vegetable oil, of which you will use about 5 drops.

And last but not least, the tonic Anti fall, which will give greater results in our recipe, acting directly with the other ingredients. 

The preparation doesn't have any kind of secret, just remove the gel from the aloe (we've already taught you how to remove the aloina aloe, which is a substance with toxins), and after that, mix all the other ingredients, together with the shampoo, in a container that can facilitate the mixing. use a spoon plastic for best results. 

This shampoo should be kept in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. Use it at least 3 times a week, and if you want, you can intersperse its use with another common shampoo. Before using, shake the container so the elements can mix again.  

Homemade shampoo with castor oil: 

Castor oil, aloe and rosemary are less aggressive options for hair care.

This recipe is as simple as the first. We are going to use only ingredients that every woman has at home, and that are easy to find in any supermarket or pharmacy. To make this homemade hair loss shampoo, just separate the neutral shampoo, in the same amount as the previous recipe3 crushed garlic cloves (there's no point in frowning), 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (I know, it looks like a salad, but rest assured that this recipe gives incredible results), remembering also to separate 1 tablespoon of rosemary oiland another equal of castor oil.  

Not unlike the first recipe, just blend all the ingredients in a blender, except the shampoo, and after that, mix them with the shampoo. However, it is necessary to wait at least 7 days, before using it. Let it quiet in the corner, and use it for approximately 3 months. After achieving the expected results, wait at least 3 months to use it again. 

 So that's it, I hope you enjoyed these homemade hair loss shampoo recipes.

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