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Does homemade straightening work? know how to do

Are you tired of going to the salon to straighten your tresses? So it is essential that you know more about homemade straightening! A lot of people still have doubts about whether they really work, and we'll cover all the issues in this article.

Are you tired of the traditional hair straightening methods, and want an alternative that is not so harmful to the hair? So come check if homemade straightening really works!

Many women who like straight hair undergo various chemical procedures to straighten the strands. And despite working, in many cases the threads are dry, brittle and lifeless. Therefore, we cannot fail to recommend the BeautyVip Hair. After all, this product is dedicated to restoring essential nutrients to the hair, promoting strands that are much more hydrated, resistant and strengthened.

However, if there were a homemade straightening, which does not damage the strands, but which still tends to give a good result, this would certainly solve the problem for women. But do these recipes really work? If so, how should they be applied? These and other information you will check in this article.

Does homemade straightening really work?

Before we start talking about some recipes for the procedure, you first need to know if home straightening really works. But to understand this question, it is necessary to navigate through some points.

First of all, it is good to clarify that no homemade straightening will have a result equal to that obtained in a beauty salon, where chemistry is used. However, depending on the texture of your yarn, the result can be quite efficient.

Of course, homemade straightening recipes will be less effective if your hair is frizzy or curly, for example. Ideally, this procedure is performed by women whose hair texture is wavy or already smooth. After all, as you will use natural products, and no chemicals, there is no way to expect a beauty salon result.

Furthermore, it is also good to clarify that recipes for homemade straightening actually control the hair, leaving them more aligned, shiny, silky and with a more disciplined appearance. And that's what gives the hair the feeling straightened out.

Is the home straightening effect permanent?

No, it's not permanent. In fact, they can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on your care routine. However, even though it is not a very long time, it is a very beneficial procedure, as it does not harm the hair.

So, keep in mind that, if you want to keep your hair straight through a homemade recipe, you may need to apply it weekly.

Home Smoothing Recipes

Now that you understand the issues surrounding this subject and that we have demystified some points, we can continue with homemade straightening recipes. However, remember that, to ensure that the result is as expected, it is essential to follow all recipes to the letter. After all, there is a whole lot of preparation to guarantee homemade straightening.

Homemade smoothing with yogurt and cornstarch

For this recipe, you'll need just one cup of whole yogurt and 3 tablespoons of your favorite cornstarch. Having gathered the ingredients, all you have to do is:

  1. Put the cornstarch spoons in the whole yogurt;
  2. Mix until you get a malleable but consistent cream;
  3. With dry and combed hair, just apply it to your locks;
  4. Leave on for about 30 minutes and rinse.

This recipe, in addition to offering a smooth smoothing, also results in frizz reduction and volume. Furthermore, frizz control is one of the ways you can sleep and wake up with straight hair. So, if you want to get a straighter hair when you wake up, you can put our tip into practice.

Homemade smoothing with banana

It is also not uncommon to find recipes that have banana in their composition, but many people did not even know that this fruit can be used for a homemade smoothing recipe. For this homemade banana straightening recipe, what you will need is:

Due to the properties of the banana, when it comes into contact with our hair, it can cause a straightening of the locks. And this result is enhanced when combined with other ingredients.

The prepared mode is extremely simple; just put everything in a container and mix until it forms a homogeneous paste. When you get a thicker mass, just apply it to the hair and let it act for about 45 minutes. Then just rinse and wash as usual. And that's it, our homemade banana smoothing is done and applied.

Bananas are an alkalizing food and having a product of this type on the scalp results in open cuticles, making the absorption and entry of oils easier. So, in addition to providing a visual smoothing effect, your hair will also be more hydrated. The homemade smoothing with banana can end up becoming one of your favorites, for sure.

Homemade smoothing with powdered chocolate

To make homemade smoothing with powdered chocolate, you will need 200ml of whole milk, 3 tablespoons of powdered chocolate, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of liquid keratin. The preparation mode is:

  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender for about 1 minute;
  2. As soon as the mixture acquires a more solid consistency, remove from the container;
  3. Apply lock by lock, mix and leave for 2 hours;
  4. After time, wash your hair only with water and conditioner.

Homemade smoothing with oat and coconut

This recipe will require just 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1 green coconut pulp, 1 cup of whole milk and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. However, to prepare your mixture, everything is very simple, just follow the instructions below:

  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender or mixer;
  2. After obtaining a homogeneous paste, cook over low heat until creating a consistent mixture;
  3. Wait for the mixture to cool and apply to clean hair;
  4. Leave on for two hours;
  5. After time, just rinse and finish your way.

Homemade smoothing with sugar

For this recipe, you will need 100ml of whole milk, two tablespoons of cornstarch and a teacup of refined sugar. As you can see, these are easily accessible ingredients. So, when you bring all the ingredients together, what you should do is:

  1. Place all ingredients in a pan over low heat;
  2. Leave the mixture on the fire until it gets a thick consistency;
  3. When the mixture thickens, remove from heat and let it cool;
  4. With the hair moistened, pass the mixture along the entire hairline;
  5. Leave on for two hours and, after time, wash as usual.

According to the website Unimed, sugar, as well as cornstarch, is an acidifying compound, as its pH is 2.5. Therefore, when using this mixture as a home straightening, you will also get more hydrated and apparently smoother hair.

We hope you enjoyed all our homemade straightening recipes, such as homemade smoothing with banana, or with powdered chocolate for example. See you later!

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