Mechas slices: what is the differential of this technique and why choose?

Are you tired of the traditional locks, do you want to bet on a more radical look? If that's what you want, we are sure that sliced wicks will be perfect for you! Do you want to know about the applicability of these highlights, as well as understand what is their big difference? So just follow this article to the end.

Sliced wicks
Sliced locks are a great option for women who want to invest in a new look, but without abandoning the blonde.

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BeautVip Hair is a vitamin supplement that aims to restore the health of the hair, as it provides the replacement of the main capillary nutrients. That way, in addition to getting healthier locks, you'll feel even more powerful with slices locks! Want to learn more about this technique? So keep an eye out for upcoming topics.

What are mechas slices?

Currently, there are numerous techniques for hair lightening, ranging from the most subtle to the most intense. And each of these techniques is aimed at a different audience. After all, if you like a little more delicate look, you'll look for a specific technique.

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And that's why we say that slices locks are aimed at women who are not afraid to innovate in the look, since this technique is quite intense. To better understand this technique, know that the nomenclature comes from English, where “slices” literally means “slice”.

And the name for this technique couldn't be more precise. That's because slices locks promote a splitting of larger hair slices during bleaching. Thus, it results in more intense, wider, and less natural locks.

Sliced locks are constantly sought after by women who want to give a radical makeover to their look, but without abandoning the locks. By characteristics, this type of wick tends to be quite marked.

How are slices wicks lit?

As they are a different type of lock, the procedure to achieve this result is a little different from the pattern that some women are used to. In the lights, very fine strands are illuminated throughout the hair, achieving a more natural look.

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And to get that result, usually a plastic cap or sewn on paper is used. However, when it comes to slices wicks, the procedure is a little different.

In the vast majority of cases, professionals choose to pull long and wide locks horizontally, but thin vertically. In this way, a result that pleases most women is achieved.

Of course, this technique can vary, as each professional has a way of working. And apart from that, you can apply a different technique if you want to get a slightly different result.

Who can make slices wicks?

This type of technique is very democratic and, therefore, any woman who wants to go through this transformation can bet on slices locks. Of course, depending on your personal characteristics, some changes can be applied. But, in general, any woman can slice slices.

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So, if you have straight, wavy or curly hair, know that it is perfectly possible to apply this type of technique to your hair. The only precaution you must take is that the lighting must take into account the tone of your skin.

That's because the color of your skin should harmonize with the tone of the locks in your hair. After all, even though sliced rovings do not care so much for a natural result, it is necessary to have certain harmonizations to ensure a perfect result.

What precautions should I take with slices wicks? 

Although this type of technique is different and its result is quite particular, with regard to care, it is not so different. As your hair will go through the bleaching process, your strands should be treated like a chemically treated hair.

What precautions should I take with slices wicks
To reach sliced locks, your hair has to go through discoloration. Therefore, you should care for the strands as if they were chemically treated hair.

Therefore, always choose to use specific products for this type of hair. Other than that, bet on a care routine with a certain focus on hydration and reconstruction. After all, bleached hair has a greater tendency to dry out.

Another tip to leave your hair always hydrated and preserve the result of slices locks for longer, is to invest in products for hair with highlights, because their formulation is designed to preserve the locks while leaving them more hydrated.