Hibiscus for hair: how to use it in our daily lives

Every woman has heard that hibiscus tea is a great component to help with weight reduction, but have you ever thought about using hibiscus for your hair? Yes! Today we are going to explain to you why and how to include hibiscus in your hair care.

In addition to having a strong ally like the hibiscus, you also have the BeautyVip Hair for this care, helping hair growth and reducing hair loss, this vitamin complex brings more vitality to the hair, in addition to enhancing even more the shine of your hair.

Sought by those who want a healthier lifestyle and also inserted in the daily lives of many women in search of weight loss, hibiscus tea can help a lot those who want special care for their hair.

Hibiscus for hair and its benefits:

Hibiscus has other components that can help our daily hair care. See what they are!

Hibiscus in hair has gained fever and the hearts of many women for helping hair growth, making them even stronger and more resistant, in addition to being very accessible and easy to find.

Containing vitamin complex in its composition and important minerals for our body, it can help with hair loss, avoid split ends and eliminate frizz, giving more strength to our hair. The use of hibiscus in the hair, as well as other actives in the hair, is a great way to revitalize hair health, and reduce the use of industrialized products.

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The use of hibiscus for hair can also reduce the oiliness present in our scalp, fighting dandruff and balancing the PH of the hair from the roots to the ends of the hair. The hibiscus flower helps in the stimulation of hair follicles and blood circulation in our scalp region, also helping to collagen production which are essential for our hair.

The hair benefit of hibiscus is great and you can easily adapt it to your hair care routine, making it a great choice for hair care. deep hydration for your hair.

How to use hibiscus in hair?

In addition to hibiscus tea, there are other ways to use it for hair.

There are several ways to use hibiscus for hair, you can use the hibiscus tea in your hair, just make the tea and let them cool before applying it to the hair and massaging it gently, then just wash your hair normally.

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You can also make a homemade hibiscus shampoo using neutral shampoo, dried hibiscus and rosemary. Just add a spoon of hibiscus and rosemary to every 200ml of neutral shampoo, mix well and leave it for 1 day.

Hibiscus oil in hair is also great for those women who have the driest strands and want to give more nutrition to the locks. And to make your homemade version, you will add: 2 scoops of dry hibiscus for every 100ml of extra virgin olive oil, mix everything and let it rest for 2 days.

Hibiscus for hair can also be used as a tonic, and for it you will need the hibiscus tea and cloves, put about 10 cloves in the container and leave for about 1 hour and a half, then it is just strain and apply to the hair, leaving it in your hair overnight.

It can also be processed together with your hair mask, so you will be moisturizing your hair with strong components and be helping hair growth even further.

You can also use hibiscus on your hair with other ingredients, such as ginger. This recipe is recommended for those women who want faster hair growth. Hibiscus oil in hair, like other vegetable and essential oils, is very beneficial for hair health.

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You will need crushed hibiscus flowers and ginger juice, for 2 scoops of hibiscus flower, you will add 3 scoops of ginger juice, mix everything and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

Given the 10 minutes of rest, you will apply the liquid to the hair strands and its roots, leave 20 to 30 minutes on the hair and wash the hair normally. But only the use of hibiscus in the hair will not increase the health of your hair, as it is more than necessary to build a hair schedule that can remedy all the losses that affect the hair on a daily basis.

Now that you understand the benefits of hibiscus for hair, it is much easier to complement it in your daily hair care, and for an even better result, you can use products that contain Aloe Vera and Hibiscus in their formula. , because in addition to the plant and flower, you will have another enhancer.