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Henna for White Hair: Everything You Need to Know

Henna for white hair is one of the solutions that many women have been looking for to hide the signs of age. However, before applying this solution to your hair, it is important to know some more information about this procedure, and that is the subject of this article.

Are you thinking of modifying the color of your strands, but without damaging them? So come learn more about henna for white hair.

When you reach a certain age, it is normal for our body to respond in other ways. And one of the parts of the body that show an older age is precisely our hair, and not just because it turns white.

In addition to white hair, when we reach a certain age, it is normal to feel weaker and more brittle hair. So much so that, during this phase, some women choose to use vitamin capsules for hair, such as BeautyVip Hair, which helps maintain sturdier and healthier hair.

What is henna?

Despite being a very common procedure among women, not all of them know exactly what henna is. It's henna is extracted from Lawsonia Inermis Linné leaves, which is a plant whose coloring properties are quite efficient.

Its cultivation is most common in North Africa and South Asia, but nowadays it has become so popular that it can be found almost anywhere. In its natural form, without the addition of any other components, it has a coppery hue.

Therefore, it is widely used by people who want to go red or who want to enhance the tone. However, it is certain that the best known form of henna is black, and only if it is possible to achieve this color with the help of other products.

Is henna a natural product?

Many people recommend henna for white hair because it is a natural product and, as a result, it is much less harmful to the hair strands. However, in its natural form, its color is not black, but copper, and this may make you wonder if we are really talking about a product that has not added any chemical components.

But calm down! For henna to reach black, a mixture with a natural dye, such as indigo, is used. Thus, henna for white hair is a great option for those women who want to hide their whitish tones, but without damaging their hair.

Is henna bad for your hair?

When it comes to henna for white hair, it's quite common for you to feel a bit of awe. After all, it's much more common to see women using this product for their eyebrows rather than their hair. From there, it is possible to question whether henna is bad when it comes in contact with our hair strands.

However, as it is a natural product, it does not cause any harm, on the contrary. As it is extracted from a plant with potentiating properties, henna ends up bringing some benefits to the hair.

Many women wonder about how to avoid frizz, and one of the advantages of henna is precisely to eliminate frizz and split ends. Other than that, the use of henna in white hair makes your strands more shiny and stronger.

How to use henna for gray hair?

As it is an easy and accessible product, it is common that you try to perform this procedure at home. And even though it doesn't offer any risks, since it's a natural product, it's good for you to know the correct way to use henna to dye gray hair. And we'll cover that subject in the following topics.

How to use henna for white hair in red tone?

If you have a few white strands, and you want to hide it with a red hue, you can do it. First, you should look for the natural product, without adding any other components that make it black. Once found, follow the instructions below:

  1. Mix the product powder in warm water;
  2. Stir until reaching a creamy and homogeneous point;
  3. Let the mixture sit for a while;
  4. To ensure a more potent result, it is recommended to let it rest overnight;
  5. Then, just apply the entire product on the hair or in the regions where you want to hide gray hair;
  6. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours.

How to use henna for dark gray hair?

Now, if you want to use henna for white hair, but you have dark hair, the procedure is a little more complicated as it is divided into two steps. This is because henna with indigo (which gives it a black hue) is not enough to penetrate hair.

Using henna for darker gray hair is a little more complicated procedure, but it will certainly be worth it.

Therefore, you must first use natural henna before applying the darkening mixture. Only pure henna has enough power to be permanent, and it will help to fix the indigo color in the strands.

That is, you have to make two henna preparations; one with natural henna, and one with indigo henna. Every way of preparation is the same as explained in the previous topic.

Does henna really cover the white strands?

It's possible you're wondering if henna for gray hair really works to cover strands, and the answer is yes! Of course this is not a procedure that will last forever, eventually you will need to touch up.

This is such an efficient method that even the famous Isabella Fiorentino uses henna to cover white hair. And, in addition to being a very efficient procedure, it is extremely affordable, as you can find henna at very democratic prices.

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