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Head Sores: What Could It Be? How to treat?

Head sores are showing, and you don't know what's going on? It is important to be aware of all the signs that our body points out, as each detail can mean a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. In this article we will show you some of the possible causes of these wounds.

Have you noticed the appearance of wounds on the head, but don't know what it could be? So check out this article.

Head injuries, much more than a nuisance, can lead to several other issues. Sometimes, for example, as a result of these wounds, it can end up damaging the scalp and causing hair loss, greatly affecting the self-esteem of some women.

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What could be head injuries?

First of all, it is important to highlight that only a trained professional can give you a more accurate diagnosis. Therefore, even after reading this article, we recommend that you seek out a dermatologist, even so that he can show you the best way to treat head wounds.

There are several circumstances that can lead you to have these scalp sores, such as folliculitis, dermatitis, dandruff, ringworm, psoriasis, or even an allergic reaction to a chemical or other new cosmetic product you are using.

How to treat head wounds?

This will depend a lot on what is causing the head injuries, since for each cause there is a specific treatment. However, there are some common procedures that can make your problem go away.

Usually the treatment is done with special care for the scalp, as it is the main damage. Therefore, washing regularly or avoiding holding the locks or wearing hats with wet hair are some of the standard procedures.

Other than that, it may still be necessary to use appropriate shampoos and ointments to ease inflammation and aid in wound healing. Ointments often have an antifungal base or steroids, for example.

How do you know what's causing your head injuries?

The best way to identify and treat your problem is to consult an expert. However, the reality is that there are some things that can cause any injuries to your head, such as incorrect cleaning of your hair.

Many women don't even know how to clean the scalp  in the correct way, and this can contribute to the appearance of some wounds, besides other bad cares. Other than that, it is also possible to try to find out what causes the wounds by keeping an eye on what symptoms you have.

After all, if what you have is due to psoriasis, the symptoms tend to have a pattern, making it easier to identify what the problem is. So, in the topics below, we'll show you some of the possible causes of head injuries.

Head wounds from folliculitis

Folliculitis is an inflammation that occurs at the root of the hair, and it is usually due to infection by some bacteria and fungi that naturally live in the skin. When this happens, you start to notice the appearance of reddish, pus-filled and painful balls.

Most of the time, you may also feel some burning and itching, further contributing to hair loss. In this case, some dermatologists guide a treatment based on antifungal shampoos or application of an antibiotic.

Head sores from allergic reaction

If you've had an intense chemical procedure, it could be that your head sores are due to an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you have used any hair dye, progressive brush products, used formaldehyde or ammonium hydroxide, your scalp may respond in this way.

If you've recently had any discoloration or dyed your hair, head sores can be an allergic reaction.

In this case, lesions may appear a few hours or days after the procedure has been performed. The main symptoms of head wounds due to allergic reaction are: peeling, redness, itching or burning in the affected region.

Head sores from ringworm

This type of injury happens more often in children, but adult women are not exempt from suffering from this type of head injury. In this case, the fungi attack the stem and hair follicles.

The main symptoms of ringworm head wounds are: circular lesions, desquamation, redness or yellowish crusts and hair loss in the affected region. In order to treat it, it is important that you go to a dermatologist.

Head wounds from psoriasis

A lot of people don't even know, but the reality is that the psoriasis has a genetic incidence. That is, if you know a family member who has already gone through this problem, there is around 30% of chances that you will also develop it.

So, apart from the fact that psoriasis head wounds have a genetic borne, it is also a chronic and inflammatory disease. In some cases, it can also be related to altered immunity.

Among the symptoms, one can mention the appearance of red spots and an intense whitish or grayish dry desquamation. Psoriasis can also affect nails and cause joint swelling and pain.

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