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Hair Straightening: Which one is right for you?

Although more and more women are assuming the natural curvature of their hair, there is still a great demand for the infamous hair straighteners. However, many of them still have doubts about which of these procedures to choose, and which is the most suitable for each type of hair. Knowing that, we've separated this article, to help you find out, which is the best hair straightener available on the market, and which one to choose.  

But before you start getting your hands dirty, to make your locks smooth as satin, it's good that they are properly protected, and strong to receive the chemicals that involve these processes. But in this regard, you should not warm your head, because the BeautyVip Hair is here to help you. With its hair-rebuilding and strengthening action, this capsule is able to restore the vitality and strength lost by your hair.  

Now that you know how to keep your hair strong, let's get straight to what is the best hair straightening. But remember that the information contained herein is informative, so it is up to you and a trained professional to assess your hair situation. Our placement was not done from worst straightening to best as this will vary from hair to hair.  

What is the best hair straightener on the market? 

In beauty salons, there are a dozen hair straighteners, and that is why today we will separate the most used, and the most suitable for each case.

1- Brush: 

Brushing is perhaps the least aggressive technique for the hair, although if done with greater constancy, it can end up stealing some of the vitality of the locks. This is because, in this procedure, heat is applied through a hair dryer. Yes, we know that with a good thermal protectorThese effects can be minimized, however, they still exist, even if at a lower rate.  

2- Progressive brush: 

Progressive is perhaps the most popular hair straightening among women, as it is able to reduce hair volume, and maintain the frizz far away. Until a few years ago, the products used in this procedure contained a high concentration of formaldehyde.  

But fortunately, due to new guidelines from Anvisa, these products cannot contain more than 0.2% of formaldehyde. Lasting approximately 2 months, the progressive must be retouched to ensure a good result. For those of you who have the most frizzy strands, know that progressive is the ideal hair straightening for you. 

3- Relaxation: 

There it is, a hair straightening that has fallen out of favor lately. Relaxation, despite being a very simple procedure to be done at home, is one of the straightening that most damages the hair fiber. 

 Women with dyed hair, whether by dyes or coloring agents, cannot relax, because in addition to a great incompatibility between the procedures, there is a high risk of breakage and falling of the hair. Despite being popularly adopted by women with curly hair, straight ones can make a relaxation, to ensure a decrease in volume, and hair a little more behaved. 

4- Capillary Botox: 

Capillary botox is perhaps the best hair straightening on this list. That's because, unlike the progressive brush, it is able to hydrate the hair, causing less damage during the straightening process. Unlike other procedures, it is not done using chemicals, and even so, it guarantees a smoothing effect for up to 2 months (provided you keep the necessary care up to date). Capillary botox is a great example of straightening types that don't damage the hair. 

5-Cautery with keratin: 

For you, who had the strands damaged by a chemical procedure, or by lack or excessive care, know that cauterization with keratin is the best hair straightening for you. This procedure is able to restore the hair's natural elasticity. However, if you are one of those who feel a slight laziness to go to the salon, know that the retouching of this procedure should be done every fortnight.  

6-Japanese straightening or permanent brush: 

This is perhaps the most suitable hair straightening, for those who wish to avoid a trip to the salon for at least 6 months. That's because the Japanese straightening is capable of causing a deep action in the structure of the hair, promoting a straightening effect that is longer lasting than any other technique. To maintain its effects, all a woman needs to do is leave the locks well hydrated and nourished.  

Japanese hair straightening, despite being the most expensive available on the market, is able to guarantee a longer-lasting straightening effect than other procedures.

Now, for those who want to guarantee a more differentiated touch to their locks, through a dye, know that with Japanese straightening hair, this is not possible. As it is a chemical procedure, there is an incompatibility between the actives of both techniques, which can end up resulting in excessive damage to the hair. The ideal for you who still want to dye, is to do one of the types of straightening that does not damage the hair. 

We hope all our content regarding hair straightening has helped you! But before we close, remember: if you have fragile hair, see your trusted hairdresser, and ask them to do one of the types of straightening that doesn't damage your hair.  

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