Capillary schedule for hair loss: know how to do it

It is a proven fact, that periodic hair care is capable of producing unimaginable benefits in the locks. Lack of recurrent hydration or nutrition, on the other hand, can lead to the emergence of one of the most frightening problems for most women: hair loss. To solve this problem, and ensure even more health in your hair, we brought this hairline schedule for hair loss, which can be done simply and adapted to your routine.  

Home hair loss schedule: 

Let's teach you now, step by step to make your hair schedule, and stop hair loss.

The hair schedule, as mentioned above, can be a great way to solve a problem as serious and bothersome as hair loss. But for it to generate results, it is necessary to follow it to the letter, and without taking shortcuts. Just like anything else in life that requires metrics, it may not be easy at first to keep you in the routine, but gradually it gets easier. Pay close attention, we will teach you how to get the best results right now. 

1st step: Vitamination 

Vitamin deficiency is directly linked to hair loss, because without the necessary nutrients, the hair does not have enough strength to keep the root firm and growing. Therefore, one of the most important steps in your hairline schedule for hair loss is the consumption of capsules BeautyVip Hair, which were exclusively developed to keep your hair away from falling out, with its multivitamin action.  

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2nd step: Hydration 

We know it seems a bit obvious, but it is always important to emphasize the importance of hydration, in combating hair loss. A hydrated hair is hair far from dryness factors, which are capable of producing damage to the hair fiber. Therefore, it is essential to maintain periodic hydration in your home hair loss schedule. 

3rd step: Nutrition  

This is a super important step in the hairline schedule for hair loss, especially for those with frizzy or curly hair. You've already learned about internal nutrition right above, which refers to the consumption of vitamins and minerals. However, the hair needs intervention from the outside, because of its protective layer, which can be damaged.  

The best way to have good nutrition is with the use of vegetable oils, which can be applied to the hair, at least once every 15 days. One night wetting or daytime, can keep your hair out of trouble, despite being super mega simple processes to be done.  

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4th step: Washing 

Washing the threads is a super simple process, but despite this, it is wrongly done by most women. Know that the ideal amount of washes that your hair should receive are interspersed washes (every other day), or at least once every 3 days. Using the right conditioner and shampoo are also important steps in our hair loss schedule.  

 The shampoo should be applied directly to the hair root, which will be massaged lightly with your fingertips, without haste and without too much friction. Now the conditioner should be applied only on the ends, which will also be massaged. 

5th step: toning  

It must have been a while since you last heard of hair tonic. This product that doesn't seem to have suffered with the actions of time (because it is widely used until today, although little talked about), is something very important for our hairline schedule for hair loss. That's because it should be used after the washing process, applying only a few drops and massaging the locks well.  

6th step: drying  

You can take your hands off that dryer right now, because we are not talking about this type of drying. Although the dryer is a very practical tool for our day to day, know that it is capable of causing damage to hair, even with the use of thermal protector. But calm down, we are not trivializing it, you can use the dryer with ease, but only when really necessary.  

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The best thing to do when you have some free time in your day, and don't need to hurry to dry your hair, is to brush your hair lightly, throwing it to the front of your head and leaving it outdoors to dry. natural way. This can prevent the frizz, in addition to breakage, and hair loss. Remember that avoiding hair damage is even more important than following any kind of homemade hairline schedule for hair loss. 

7th step: Finalization  

Finishing is also a super important step in the hairline schedule for hair loss, although it is different for each type of hair, and it also depends on the result you expect. But an almost universal finishing step is the application of a styling cream (always indicated for your curvature), followed by the use of a comb or brush to untangle the hair and stimulate blood circulation.  

Following your hairdresser's recommendations is also super important, so you can get the benefits of your hair loss schedule.

We sincerely hope that our content has helped you to solve your hair loss problem. Share our homemade hair loss schedule with friends, as it will surely generate very positive results.