Breastfeeding Hair Loss: Tips to Stop Falls

For you who are having the wonderful experience of being a mother, get ready, as this article will talk about hair loss in breastfeeding, so stay with us, and learn to avoid this problem.

For those who dream of having stronger and healthier hair, we recommend the use of a vitamin supplement BeautyVip Hair, because in addition to preventing hair loss, it makes hair stronger, which makes it shinier and softer. Breastfeeding hair loss can be controlled with the correct intake of vitamins and minerals.

Women after the birth of a baby tend to be afraid of how quickly their hair falls out during breastfeeding, especially since the strands can be seen in every corner of the house. Hair loss during breastfeeding, as much as it is expected by most women, is still a very bothersome problem.

The hormonal changes they experienced during pregnancy also affect this condition and make them feel that their hair is out of control. In fact, it's just the hormones that were altered and overproduced during pregnancy and now return to normal body speed.

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Although more rapid hair loss during breastfeeding is normal, it can still be alleviated.

This way the hair returns to its normal circulation, so when you notice hair loss while breastfeeding, there is no need to panic. The hair of women in their adult phase falls an average of 100 to 125 hairs a day, and it drops to 500 hairs a day after delivery.

What happened is that during pregnancy, due to hormonal imbalance, the woman's hair became shiny, soft and strong. Also, the average amount of hair that falls out before pregnancy will be greatly reduced during pregnancy.

In this way, after the baby is born, the hairs fall back into their normal cycle, and those that do not fall out during pregnancy, consequently, end up having hair loss during breastfeeding.

Just as the body changes during pregnancy, hair also suffers from changing hormone levels. Therefore, it is necessary to have a lot of patience and combine this with healthier habits, always monitoring any unusual changes in your body, during and after pregnancy.



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Some things can be done to reduce hair loss in breastfeeding because, for women, the health of their hair largely reflects their self-esteem.

Because nothing is more uncomfortable than seeing hair in the shower drain, bedroom, living room and wherever you go (even if it's a normal process), isn't it? Here are some tips on how to reduce hair loss while breastfeeding.


Hair loss in breastfeeding is inevitable due to hormonal changes. What you can do is try to work around the situation as much as possible, but it is important that you pay more attention to it due to the fragility of the hair. Therefore, adopt healthy habits that help reduce the amount of loss of hair.

This habit is your way of washing, combing, massaging and drying your locks, as these factors greatly affect your appearance and hair health.


Better eating habits are more than essential to control hair loss during breastfeeding.

In order to have a healthy life, then you need to develop some healthy habits, because as the saying goes, “you are what you eat”, and that is completely right. Everything you eat will be reflected on the outside of your body, and for hair, this rule is no exception. Hair loss during breastfeeding, despite being something “normal”, can still be slowed down through a change in habits.

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Hair is made of protein and it is wise to eat nutritious and protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, yogurt, among others. As a supplement to a healthy, nutritious diet, another interesting trick is to drink fortified juices. When making juice, you only need to add more than one fruit. After doing this, you will surely get richer nutrients in the juice.


To prevent excessive hair loss during breastfeeding, monitoring by professionals such as dermatologists and nutritionists is necessary, and during pregnancy, it is best to monitor from the beginning. With the company of these professionals, you will be guided to have a healthier and more balanced diet. Therefore, a diet rich in essential nutrients will help reduce hair loss after your baby is born.

We hope our article has helped you to understand a little more about hair loss in pregnancy. Until next time and always keep connected with us.