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Lifeless hair: find out how to fix it

Imagine just having perfect hair and healthy like movie stars. Was it our dream? Many people are looking for perfect hair all the time, however, the exaggerated use of chemicals, excessive heat and everyday aggressors can lead to brittle strands and the appearance of lifeless and dry hair. A dull hair is nobody's wish, so that will be the subject of today's article.

Dull hair can be a result of various external factors, but it can also be caused by a lack of nutrients in the body. This is due to the lack of intake of foods rich in vitamins, but don't worry, you can solve it. If that's your case, you don't need to be desperate. Simply changing some habits and choosing the best quality products is possible to reverse this situation and recover our hair.

To help you ingest more nutrients, we recommend BeautyVip Hair. A food supplement that has all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for hair health, thus solving the problem with lifeless hair. BeautVip capsules strengthen the structure of the strands, reducing the fall and consequently also reducing breakage, leaving the strands more hydrated and shiny, totally ending the appearance of dull hair.

On top of this, it also helps in strengthening the nails and helps with the production of collagen in the skin, thus improving elasticity. It is a natural product and can be used by anyone, for as long as they feel it is necessary. It is a true ally for men and women who are concerned about health and aesthetics.

Thinking about how to solve the problem with lifeless hair, we prepared this post with everything to do to make your locks drop your jaw! Check out:

Problems with opaque hair can be solved by changing your habits.

What is lifeless hair?

A hair without life is one that has dull strands, without movement, with split ends and often broken. It mainly has the characteristic of low shine and a certain rough texture. These adjectives warn that the hair is going through a lack of care or lack of nutrients. If this is the case with your hair, it is a strong sign that actions must be taken.

If your hair is dry, brittle and doesn't grow for anything, you may have capillary hydrophobia. If you don't know what this is, I'll explain it to you right now.

Hydrophobia; the hydro comes from water and the phobia comes from fear the version, so in short, capillary hydrophobia is nothing more than a lack of proper hygiene for your hair and also the excess of cosmetics on your scalp and hair that are petroleum derivatives, which are insoluble silicones, liquid paraffin and petroleum jelly, so all these are petroleum derivatives and will accumulate and make a layer on your hair, on your scalp, leaving it impermeable and these oil-derived assets, they have a very strong grip on the hair. So they stick to the wire and it is very difficult to get out and also to penetrate inside the wire, even water. If you feel that your hair is not reacting to any of the products and you need to keep changing the products because there is no effect, this could be a sign that you have capillary hydrophobia. In addition to these characteristics that I just mentioned here for you, it also has the most serious symptoms, which are itching, allergy, hair loss.

Lifeless hair tends to appear as dull and heavy hair.

Why is hair lifeless?

The main reason for lifeless hair is the absence of essential care. Using products that are not recommended for your hair, not cutting the ends frequently and choosing creams and moisturizers of dubious origin are examples of actions that should be rethought, as they promote the wear of your hair.

The chemical part can also damage the structure of the hair, taking away proteins, the amino acids that are small particles of protein, taking away the lipids, which is all the hair needs. So what we must do is make space between one chemistry and another and make sure that the hair has this time to return what was lost in a previous chemistry.

Washing your hair with hot water makes your strands more brittle, less shiny, lifeless and stimulates more sebum production, as very hot water opens the cuticle of your hair.

Pollution, sun and wind are also partly to blame as they oxidize the wires, leaving them aged and lifeless. Here are some more habits that damage your hair:

There are several reasons for the hair to be “dead” but generally, this is due to some bad habit in everyday life.

Incorrect washes

Over the course of the day, the hair gathers dust, oils and various impurities that are blamed for leaving them lifeless. So it is necessary to take it correctly on a regular basis to ensure that all excess dirt from external factors or products is removed from the hair.

Absence of Hydration

In addition to cleaning the threads, it is also necessary to return nutrients to them, as well as hydration. Over time, the strands go through wear and tear and it is necessary to treat them regularly with appropriate masks for your hair type to ensure more softness, shine and a light appearance.

Frequent use of hair chemistry

Procedures such as bleaching and straightening are harmful to the hair and are also responsible for leaving it looking dull. This is because, during these chemicals, they leave behind nutrients and proteins essential for their vitality.

Chemicals attack the threads removing the nutrients present in them.

Lack of preparatory care before using flat irons and dryers

At high temperatures generated by these equipments dry out and damage the protection of the wires, leaving them more opaque and with frizz. In other words , it is almost mandatory to use a good thermal protector before starting to use this equipment

Thermal stylers contribute to hair dryness due to high temperature.

How can I give life and shine to my hair?

There are ways to repair the wires in a homemade way using specific products for both hair reconstruction, so much to recover wear. The essential thing is to look for a professional to check these options!

The professional will be able to analyze your wires and make a diagnosis of your case, being able to verify what his profile is, and what would fit as a solution. With the diagnosis in hand, you can purchase products necessary to carry out such maintenance at home and recover the damage caused.

Another more modern and cheaper way to do this is to purchase the BeautVip (as already mentioned) as it is a complex that has essential vitamins that aid in hair health. Using advanced nanotechnology, it's worth checking out!

Eat well to keep your hair healthy.

What are the essential nutrients?

You must use a treatment mask  in addition to shampoo and conditioner, at least once every 7 days, gloving the locks and respecting the instructions on the product label!

Treatment masks have 3 purposes:

If they have already suffered a lot of damage, it is recommended to use a mask with the objective of rebuild, it has compositions that regenerate hair fibers and replenish all lost fats. This product keeps the hair “with more body” and it has been working since its first use.

Now, when the hair has been recovered and the wires no longer have a brittle aspect, it's time to nourish and hydrate them, this will return the shine, softness and smoothness.

On top of all this it is still necessary to protect the wires! Finishers that have thermal protection have the function of creating a film that maintains the health of the hair, protecting them against external agents. 

If you're following our tips, and your dead hair hasn't recovered yet, consider getting to know the BeautVip! It is a complex of vitamins efficient in hair recovery, and gives the shine and life your tresses deserve!

A lack of nutrients can affect not only the hair, but the entire body.

That's it!

Lifeless hair leaves affect the self-esteem of anyone, fortunately we have several solutions to save your hair from this. choosing the correct products for hair and keeping a good care schedule it is possible to recover the strands and have shiny and moving locks.

When choosing your products, pay attention to all the information on the packaging and try to buy from well-known and renowned brands that really offer the best kind of care to your locks!

Follow the steps and solve the problems with lifeless hair.
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