How many centimeters does hair grow per month? Check out this information here!

In the intense desire to get longer hair, it is quite common for women to ask themselves the following question: “how many centimeters does the hair grow per month?”. Although this is a question whose answer is relative, it is interesting to analyze some fundamental points to better understand this doubt that many people have.

The hair grows how many centimeters per month
Knowing how many inches your hair grows per month goes beyond pure curiosity. Knowing this information can indicate whether your hair is healthy or not.

In this regard, if you want to make your hair grow faster, we strongly recommend using BeautyVip Hair, since, in addition to promoting hair growth, it makes your hair even more nourished, hydrated, shiny and much more resistant. After all, it's no use getting long hair, but dehydrated.

But regardless of these questions, the doubt; "How many centimeters does the hair grow per month?" It resonates in the minds of many women. And knowing the answer to this question can reassure you in several aspects, as well as analyze if your growth follows the average. Want to know more about the subject? Check out upcoming topics.

Why know how many inches your hair grows per month?

Knowing how many inches your hair grows per month goes far beyond a matter of pure vanity. In fact, understanding the answer to this question can open the door to ruling out many other possibilities.

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For example, if you notice that your hairs are not growing in conjunction with the average, it could be a sign that your locks are in need of some specific compound, for example.

It is not a rule, but when you notice that a certain hair does not follow the standard monthly growth, it can be an indication that your locks are going through some problem, no matter how serious it may be.

Therefore, it is understood that knowing how many centimeters the hair grows per month goes beyond the purely aesthetic line, but crosses the field to understand how healthy our strands are.

Does all hair grow the same way?

Definitely not. The speed at which hair grows is directly related to personal issues, so it is practically impossible to define how many inches your hair will grow during a month. However, there is a certain parameter that measures how “normal” your hair growth is.

To know how many centimeters hair grows per month, it is necessary to take into account some issues, such as food, daily care routine, use (or not) of vitamin supplements and other issues.

How does hair growth work?

In order to make you better understand the issue of hair growth, it may be interesting for you to learn about the stages that our hairs are inherent in, the so-called “hair cycle”.

Hair growth is divided into three phases; anagen, catagen and telogen. Each of these cycles is responsible for a characteristic of our hair, and this cycle, despite being proven to be credible, can vary according to each person. We will explain more about these cycles in the following topics.

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anagen hair growth cycle

This is the actual hair growth phase, which is when the oldest dead cells are pushed out of our hair bulb, exactly where the growth phase is activated.

This means that if you notice that your hair does not grow beyond a certain length, it is a sign that your anagen phase is shorter than that of other people. It is estimated that about 80 to 85% of the follicles are in this growth phase.

In fact, a lot is said about the sympathies for hair growth. However, it is also important to understand that our hairs are more likely to grow during the anagen hair cycle. This cycle can last between three and six years.

Catagen hair growth cycle

After the growth phase (anagen), comes the resting state, also referred to as catagen. This transition period is when the hair prepares to rest and eventually fall out, a natural cycle for any hair.

On average, this phase lasts approximately 3 weeks. So if you notice that your hair is going through a very long rest period where you don't notice any growth, it could be a sign that your cycle is slightly longer than other people's.

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Also regarding this matter, it is important to point out that approximately 3% of the wires are in this phase at any time. During this phase, the follicle collapses a little in preparation to release the hair for it to fall out.

Telogen hair growth cycle

Well as you might imagine, the telogen phase is categorized as being the time when there is literally the natural shedding of hairs. That is, it is when the hair is released and falls out of the hair follicle.

As an inherent part of this cycle, the follicle remains inactive for approximately 3 months and, after that time, the whole process is repeated, starting again the growth phase (anagen). About 6% to 8% of all wires are in this phase.

How many centimeters does hair grow per month?

After this explanation, we can more properly answer the question: how many centimeters does hair grow per month? As you can see, our hair growth is subject to our hair cycle.

So, our hair will only grow when it is in the anagen phase. During this period, the consensus among experts says that the hair grows approximately one millimeter every 3 days.

How many centimeters does hair grow per month
Not all hair grows the same amount per month. However, knowing the estimate is a good method to compare if your hair is within the standards.

3 millimeters every three days results, in the period of one month, one centimeter. So, when asked how many centimeters the hair grows per month, you already know that the answer is, on average, 1 centimeter.

Now, to calculate how many centimeters your hair grows per year, just multiply this result. Based on regular monthly growth of one centimeter, at the end of the year, your hair should grow 12 centimeters.

But remember; hair growth is subject to variations, taking into account some dietary habits and daily personal care. Furthermore, it is essential to know that our hair respects the capillary cycle.