Hair Dyes: Know Some Types

That hair is one of the main factors that influence the look and beauty of women is not disputed, but it is the main reason for the changes in appearance. Because of this, people and especially women look for alternatives when giving that change in the look of their hair, especially after getting a bit queasy about their current hair or even more adult people looking for ways out about the gray hair and the best solution is hair dyes. 

There is also a strong ally for people in relation to hair care, especially if you want to start taking care of it in the most correct way possible, which in this case is BeautyVip Hair. It will help you in so many ways that you are sure to be amazed at the result. BeautVip Hair guarantees an incredible strengthening for your hair, making it highly resistant against the daily aggressions that the hair ends up suffering.  

If you're thinking about growing your hair, don't worry that BeautVip Hair will help you grow your hair, resulting in a magnificent shine and wonderful volume. In addition to these benefits, it also helps you fight against hair loss, and of course, with proven effectiveness. So don't waste time and go for it, because to ensure even better health for your hair, the best option is BeautVip Hair. 

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Why dye your hair?

Dyeing your hair can be a way to give your look a fresh look.

Hair is the main reason for people's vanity, it's because of it that many people undergo radical changes in their appearance, ranging from slight changes such as coloring their hair to remove unwanted white strands in older people, to chemical processes in older people. as varied as possible, such as coloring, straightening and among others. Because of this, many people seek help from hair dyes to make this change, but first you need to make sure you really want to do this. 

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In this regard, don't worry, we will help you in the best possible way regarding hair dyes, all their types, necessary care, waiting time and among other very important details. We will help you so that there is no problem with your hair in relation to the expected result, removing even that possible fear about the process itself. 

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Before starting, you need to make sure that you really want to change the color of your hair, as it is important that you are aware that this is a big change compared to the common ones. After that, pay close attention to our text, as we will explain all types of hair dyes, maintenance time and necessary care. 

Ink or toner:

Starting with the types of hair dye, we currently have three types, such as dye dye, permanent dye and henna. Toning paint is the most suitable for those looking to darken their hair, but remember that it is not properly recommended for remove the white threads. Permanent ink, on the other hand, has a longer duration because its penetration is greater compared to the others. Henna is most recommended for those looking to make their strands red, reddish or even brown. 

Permanent dye is part of the group of hair dyes and has this name because its duration is longer compared to others and also because its penetration is more effective, this happens because the dye acts on the inner part of the hair fiber, for account of this that the permanent ink is recommended for people who want to get rid of white hair, for offering full coverage to the hair. 

It is necessary to keep the hair always fortified before coloring it.

Permanent paint, as its name says, has this name because its duration is indefinite, but it is always necessary to retouch the application every 4 or even 5 weeks, so that it lasts much longer. 

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And what is toner ink? It is another type that is part of hair dyes, it acts a little different compared to permanent dye, because the function is to enhance the natural color, leaving it with more shine and color, it is not recommended to cover the gray threads because it acts on the outside of the wires, covering only 50% of the white wires. Its duration ranges from 5 to 6 weeks, between 25 to 30 washes. After the action time, it is necessary that you do the coloring again, because the hair ends up fading. 

After choosing the type of dye you want to do on your hair, remember that both permanent dye and dye dye have different roles. Because of this, pay attention to all the details so that the final result does not differ from what you expected.