Hair Dyes – Find Out How to Choose the Best One

Many women arrive at a time when they want to make a change and bet on a new hair color, but for that, it is important to know the best hair dye so as not to lead to the desired change in some kind of discontent. Therefore, it is important to know the quality of inks to avoid many problems. 

Woman with short hair dyes
There are several precautions you need to pay attention to before betting on colored hair, such as which dye to use. In this article, we'll talk about the best hair dyes. Check out!

Many women do not know, but it is indisputably necessary to know the quality and origin of the hair dye you will use to color your locks. Checking the information table, which chemical substances were used to make the internal contents of the bottle, has to become a custom when retouching or coloring your hair for the first time.

Other than that, it is always important to highlight the need for your hair to be healthy before going through this procedure. So, to avoid any headaches, we recommend that you make use of BeautyVip Hair, since it keeps the locks nourished and hydrated. That way, in addition to giving off a new look, your hair will be extremely healthy and silky!

Furthermore, there is some basic information that you should be aware of when purchasing your product. In this article, you will find knowledge needed to choose a dye and which are the best hair dyes on the market today. 

How to choose hair dyes? 

It is important to pay attention to the choice of dye so that the hair remains healthy after applying the dye, preventing dryness and even hair loss. For this not to happen, the first tip is to bet on hair dyes that contain, in their composition, keratin or that are rich in other compounds that prevent dryness, such as vegetable oils. 

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Regarding the durability of hair dye, it is necessary to be aware if the dye you intend to buy contains ammonia and oxidants. Hair dyes containing these compounds in their formula create a longer lasting look for the coloring, reaching a duration of more or less 40 to 60 days. The variant occurs taking into account your daily routine and your bathing routine. 

Hair dyes contain some specificities, being divided into permanent, temporary and toning, each with its respective functions. Perms are those that contain ammonia and are recommended for those who want to adhere their hair color for a long period of time or for women who want to hide gray hairs.

pink hair asian woman
Every ink has a purpose, and you should know this before making a choice.

At temporary hair dyes are those that do not have any type of ammonia, only dyes. The temporary ones last a little more than 5 or 6 washes. They are indicated for women who want to obtain a previous result before moving on to permanent coloration.

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Toners, on the other hand, follow a line in which their application has a more concentrated effectiveness on the surface and, for this reason, they do not lighten the hair strands. It is recommended for those who want a result a little longer than temporary paints, as they last, on average, 20 washes. 

What are the best hair dyes? 

The evaluation criteria used were those described above. It is possible to find a multitude of products that promise the same result, but it is also important to think about the post-result. Check out some of the best hair dyes we've put together for you. 

Koleston Hair Dye 

When talking about hair dye, it is possible that this mark comes to your head, and it is not by chance. After all, characteristics of this dye line are very latent. Generally, the products in this hair dye line provide a treatment cream to use after applying the color.  

One of the characteristics to be mentioned is the penetration of color into the hair strands. It is a powerful penetration, which ensures greater durability even for women who have their day full of commitments.  

The availability of a color palette is also something to be highlighted, in addition to the affordable price, which is very worthwhile considering the treatment kit that helps in a silkier hair with a well-kept appearance. 

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L'Oreal Hair Dye Casting Cream Gloss 

For those women who are adept at tinting without the ammonia compound, this can be a great option. After all, even without the presence of this chemical substance, durability can be considered a positive point.  

This durability is due to the presence of a treatment cream, developed for a post-application use that helps to seal the color in the threads and guarantee an extended result and a more shiny appearance. Furthermore, it can also be found at very affordable prices. 

Igora Royal hair dye 

The name may be strange due to little knowledge of the brand, but this can be rewarded due to the good quality of the product. The color line promises deep pigmentation and is therefore highly recommended for women who want to completely cover their white hairs.  

L'Oreal Inoa hair dye 

L'Oreal still has another dye line option that does not contain ammonia. Furthermore, this hair dye has the same characteristics as the one mentioned above, but without the presence of the post-application treatment cream. 

Woman with purple hair punk style.
Everyone knows that the process of adhering to an unnatural color tends to be a little aggressive to our hair. And, for this reason, the L'Oreal line stands out, as it has ammonia-free products.

Another difference that this line has in relation to others is the cost, for example. The value is a little higher due to the fact that this product is part of the professional line. The investment may be greater, but for those who value a more professional result, the cost of the product may be worth it.