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Dyed hair: how to care for and keep the color always vibrant?

If you have or are thinking about having your hair dyed, surely you must already know that this type of strand requires certain special care, both to keep the locks hydrated and to make the color stay vibrant. So, do you want to know all the necessary care? Just check out this article!

Dyed hair requires more care and, therefore, you may have some doubts about how to care. In this article, we'll explain better how to take care of this type of yarn.

The best way to keep dyed hair always vibrant in color is to ensure that the strands are healthy and hydrated. Therefore, one of the essential cares for this type of hair is to use the BeautyVip Hair, since it guarantees more nourished, resistant and more shiny hair.

So, if you want to rock the look and squander even more wonderful dyed hair, the use of these vitamin capsules is essential. In addition to keeping the hair hydrated, it restores shine, volume and increases hair mass! However, even if you use BeautVip Hair, it is essential that you maintain certain care, and that is what we will talk about in the next paragraphs. Check out.

Why does dyed hair need more care?

Practically everyone already knows that dyed hair requires more care. However, even though the vast majority already know, not everyone understands the reasons why this happens. And the reason is extremely simple.

This type of yarn needs more care is not necessarily due to the adhesion of an unnatural shade to the yarns. In fact, dyed hair needs more care because it goes through the process of discoloration.

Any hair that undergoes any chemical procedure needs some special care and, as bleaching is a chemical process, dyed hair will need some extra care, but why?!

Basically because when the hair is subjected to this process, the strands tend to become more fragile and brittle, since the proteins innate to our locks are “stolen”. And that's why it is said that chemically treated hair needs more hydration.

What care should I keep with dyed hair?

Although initially the care with dyed hair looks like a seven-headed beast, everything is a matter of habit. That is, over time, some habits and care will become part of your hair routine. In the next topics, we list some of the precautions.

The first dyeing needs to be done carefully

This is information that your hairdresser certainly already knows. However, as many people choose to have this procedure done at home, it is worth stressing this point.

As the discoloration, in a way, is a rather sudden change, for the first dyeing it is recommended to opt for a color closer to its natural tone. Because, that way, the wires will start to get used to the procedure.

Wash the strands in warm or cold water

Do you want to keep your dyed hair always vibrant in color? So it is essential that you wash your hair only in warm or cold water! Many already know that wash your hair in hot water can cause some problems. However, if your hair is dyed, it is essential to double this care.

That's because, as hot water opens the cuticle, the chemical responsible for maintaining the hair's tone is lost. Therefore, the more you wash with hot water, the faster the color will fade.

Avoid thermal products

Just as washing hair in hot water can make dyed hair less vibrant and contribute to fading, thermal products can have the same effect. Therefore, to ensure a long-lasting result and ensure that the strands will remain healthy, avoid using a flat iron, curling iron or blow dryer, for example.

This issue is not so much about making the strands fade, but rather to ensure that your hair stays healthy. As already pointed out, dyed hair is naturally more fragile and, as flat irons, hair dryers or curling irons damage the wires, it is better to keep some distance from these equipments.

Now, if you are too tempted to use it, at least try to apply a heat shield or leave-in to lessen the negative impact. Some experts recommend using this equipment only once a month, precisely to avoid further damage to our locks.

Bet on vegetable oil

Dyed hair has a greater tendency to become dry, and this is because it loses its natural moisture and the strand has some difficulty in retaining water. Thus, a great ally to keep the hair healthy are vegetable oils.

Vegetable oils are great for people who have dyed hair as it makes the strands look even shinier.

There are several hair oils and therefore you can choose the one that best fits your hair texture. A tip is, before applying, heat the oil. By doing this, in addition to facilitating absorption, it will restore natural moisture and strengthen you.

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