Bowl hair: the new trend and its adaptations

Lately the hairstyles and cuts of the 80s and 90s have often returned to fashion. And with the bowl of hair, it couldn't be different. The cut that is an old trend in children's fashion is making a comeback this year. Looks like 2021 has brought a lot of changes, doesn't it? That's the reality, my dears (laughs). Fashions have changed so much that people haven't been able to keep up. Well, at least I can't and believe me, I try (laughs).

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What is little bowl hair?

Bowl hair may be a somewhat old trend, but it's still more alive than ever today.

As I said above, bowl hair is a children's trend from the 80s and 90s, but it was also used a lot by adults. And for those who weren't born at that time or don't know it, this is that cut where the hair follows the bangs and length, with the back of the smaller hair forming a kind of "bowl" on the head, for this is called Bowl hair, bowl hair or bowl cut.

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Even though it's an older fashion, the cut has now been completely reworked to match today. Now it's ugly in different ways, using gradients, more disconnected strands or shaving the sides of the hair in the zero machine. So today we have several types of bowl hair. We will see?

Classic bowl hair:

In classic bowl hair, the fringe is cut so that it is in the middle of the forehead and the rest of the hair is the same length around the entire head. In this case, the entire hair is cut with the help of scissors. The classic cut does not have the help of machines.

Little hair with gradient

Unlike the classic cut, in this one, we need the machine to make the cut stand out. The gradient differentiates the cut, bringing a more laid-back air to the wearer. It can be adapted for those who wear a beard, making the gradient from the beard to the hair and so it will be “top”. But if you want to be without a beard, you can also do it and it will be “top” in the same way.

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Little hair with a greater gradient

This one we see a lot out there and don't even know that it's an adaptation of one of the most famous cuts of the 80s and 90s. This is that cut where the bowl is only on the top of the head and all the rest of the hair is accompanied by a gradient. In addition to being super stylish, it is sophisticated and modern. It has more parts of the hair shaved off than the “bowl” itself, actually this one looks more like a deep dish (laughs).

Hair bowl with machine zero

This is for those people who really like to differentiate. The bowl is made normally and the sides are scraped on the scratch machine, as the name implies. To keep this cut beautiful, maintenance is more frequent. It really suits those who have the thickest threads.

Wet bowl hair

This is more of a way to use your hair with this cut, right?! So to do it you will need a lot of gel and an ointment that gives the wet hair effect. Then just run your hair a lot and comb it so that they are well aligned. When it dries, it will look wet.

curly bowl of hair

Curly hair could not be missing, of course. They say a lot that this type of cut is only for straight hair, but that's not true and I personally think it's beautiful. He can curly hair, curly or smooth, yes. Curly can adapt the cut as you prefer, making it with more or less hair. Having thin or thick strands. The cut will leave your hair with more volume, structured curls and more disconnected strands, making it beautiful and stylish.

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spiky little hair

Wearing the spiky bowl cut is fashionable among those handsome international singers, you know (laughs)! This is one more adaptation, as before, the hair had to be all dropped and aligned, which meant that many people could not use it due to the “misaligned” hair. This way of using the cut is very casual and stylish.

Disconnected bowl hair

A messy little bowl cut can look like spiky curly hair.

Use the straightened and straight wires so that we can make it more “messy”? In this way the cut brings an air of youth, seeming more cool and full of attitude. It looks beautiful, just like everyone else.

Cut small crispy bowl

Innovation, we find it here. The idea that only those with straight hair could wear this cut is gone. The cut has become quite popular among people with frizzy hair. The adaptation this time is to add volume to the entire front of the hair.

José Maria Pereira de Oliveira corte cabelo tigelinha feminino cabelos curtos feminino

But then, are you going to join the new fad too? See which of the cuts you like best and suits you and your style and leaves the fear aside. Change is always good so go out there and face the new cut!