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Hair 4b: See tips on how to care for and moisturize your hair

Today we are going to talk about all the nuances involved in 4b hair, from what defines it, to the care that should be taken with it.

4b hair is beautiful and versatile, however it needs a series of special care, so that it does not suffer from the effects of dehydration and dryness. For a long time, women with this curvature, heard uninformed people who said that because 4b hair is curly, it did not need so much attention with care. But these people were totally wrong, so today we are going to teach you how to take care of your hair in the right way. 

What is a 4b hair and how to care for it? 

4b hair has an envy charm, but it needs a lot of attention and care.

One of the first tips that we can give you concerns the nutrition of the body and hair strands. Your locks need a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals to keep growing healthy and lush. However, consuming the nutrients needed to make this happen is not easy. In addition to adopting good eating practices, we can give you some other tips. 

If you want real results, then get to know the BeautyVip Hair, which with its revolutionary formula, ended up conquering thousands of women across the country, including great divas and influencers. This vitamin supplement capsule contains everything your hair needs and more, providing incredible results even on nails and skin.  

Another very important action that you should take with your 4b hair is related to hydration and daily care, such as washing for example. But first it's good for you to know what defines this type of capillary curvature.  

A 4b hair is hair that has a tighter or tighter curl, with some curls being sharper and others less. This type of hair usually suffers a lot from the action of shrinking, reducing a lot a volume that should be very large. For example, people with 4b hair can have large hair extensions, which look small as they are fully retracted because of the curvature of the strands. 

Hair Care Tips 4b: 

Be very careful when washing: 

Many women tend not to pay much attention to washing their hair, and this results in several problems, such as sudden fall and dry hair. Know that for you, owner of a beautiful frizz, extra attention when washing will be more than essential so that your hair is always beautiful and soft.  

One of the best tips we can give you is to use a pre-poo, before using the good old shampoo, so your hair will be protected from the action of this product, in addition to receiving an extra dose of cleaning and moisturizing oils. When applying the shampoo, be careful to massage the root only, and gently with circular movements.  

Hot water? But no way! If the hot water already causes a great deal of damage to your curly and straight hair, imagine your hair, which is already a little more dry in nature? If the weather is a little colder, try taking a shower with warm water. Now on summer days, there's nothing better than a little colder water when washing your hair, right? 

Only use products designed for your hair: 

Your 4b hair needs specific products for it, otherwise it can lose strength and vitality.

Fortunately these days, we can count on a huge amount of specific products for each hair curve. Knowing this, why would you use products designed to straight hair, since this is not your curvature? 

Curly hair has a very fragile structure, and it can be easily damaged when using a product that is not suitable for it. So go to a pharmacy, supermarket or hair care store and make sure your shampoo, conditioner, moisturizing mask or any other hair care products are specific to your frizzy hair.  

Follow your capillary schedule to the letter: 

We know it is important for all women, regardless of curvature. However, in your 4b hair, which can be easily damaged, it is more than essential. In your capillary schedule, nutrition, hydration and other important processes should be included. Therefore, always try to follow these periodic procedures without skipping one or the other, always looking for more natural alternatives, such as hydration with castor oil, for example.  

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