Hair 3a: see how to take care of your curls

Curly hair is more fashionable than ever. However, many owners of curls, end up not knowing the correct way to care for their hair, and this ends up resulting in dry hair, brittle, and curls without much definition. Knowing this, we have separated some tips, for those who want to take care of their 3rd hair, the way they deserve.

Hair Care 3a:

Hair 3a needs more care than other hairs, however, there are some tips that can help you to make them more defined and healthier.

Just like any other hair type, 3a hair needs the right dose of vitamin A, B, C, D, Iron, Zinc and others. These nutrients are present in food, however, consuming the recommended amount of each of them daily is not an easy task. Luckily, there is a vitamin capsule on the market that contains everything your locks need. His name is BeautVip, and she has already conquered the greatest divas in Brazil, such as singer MC Mirella, who tested and proved all the results she provides.

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Your 3a hair does not only need vitamins, but also daily care. However, first of all you must know what hair of this type is. A 3rd hair is the one with the curls a little bigger and more open. Many of them are somewhat irregular, and not very well defined.

Many women even have a hybridism, hair 3a, with other hair types, such as 3b or 2c. 3a hair is not very dry, but still needs periodic hydration, like any other type of hair.

Attention when defining the hair:

As already said, 3a hairs are not very well defined, and that is why they need special attention at the time of definition. The ideal is to use a good comb cream, a little curl definer, and gelatin. Then all you have to do is mix everything, apply it to the hair, and give it that defined shape with your hands, even if you prefer, or with the help of a brush or comb.

Always try to look for the right products for your hair, otherwise the result may not be the best. Fortunately these days, in any hair care product store, drugstore or even supermarket, there are several specific options for each type of hair.

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No combing dry hair:

Many women have the habit of combing their hair that is still dry, however, know that for you, owner of a beautiful 3rd hair, this is not very recommended. As we've said before, your hair isn't very well defined, so the last thing you'll want to do is undo what few curls you have left.

Instead of combing, run your fingers through the strands (clean ok? no touching your hair).

Tape the hair:

3a hair does not need comb as much as other hair types.

If you want to give your curls a good definition, avoid frizz, and control hair volume, the sizing process is very suitable, for you who own a 3rd hair. Taping is about applying cream through the curls, using your fingers, rather than applying it directly to the strands, and using an ordinary comb or brush.

Hair hydration recipes 3a:

Your 3a hair also needs a good hydration, although it is not as dry as other types of hair. That's why we'll bring you some basic home hydration recipes for you:

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Aloe hydration:

Hydration with aloe is the darling of women, especially curly ones. And no wonder, because aloe is one of the best ingredients for hydration that you can find in nature.

Just cut an aloe leaf (if you want take the aloin from the aloe before, we teach you), remove the pulp from inside, mix it in a blender with water, and then add two tablespoons of a moisturizing cream.

Then just apply it to each lock of hair, wait 20 to 25 minutes, rinse well, apply conditioner and finish in your own way.

Hydration with coffee:

And once again we're going to use a culinary ingredient in our hydration recipes, thank goodness you're used to it, aren't you? In this one, just mix a tablespoon of ground coffee; one tablespoon of olive oil; and two scoops of moisturizing cream. Make a strand by strand application, also apply on the scalp, and exfoliate a lot.

After that, just put your hair in a bun, put on a thermal cap and wait about 30 minutes, to rinse, condition and finish your way.