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Habits that help fight acne

Acne is one of the most common dermatoses in life, affecting the majority of the population at some point in life.

They even cause great discomfort during life.

Thanks to advances in technology, there are several topical and oral therapies that can help fight and prevent blackheads and acne.


When looking at the appearance of the new spine, we naturally look for specific solutions that just help to address this new change.

The problem is that there are many sebaceous glands in our face, which can block and promote the reproduction of acne at any time.

Therefore, the ideal method is to use anti-acne medications all over the face, as dry substances can also help prevent the appearance of new acne.


People with acne will experience times of improvement and worsening of the disease, with or without a large number of pimples.

However, regardless of the presence of pimples, the indicated product must be used continuously, every day, according to the procedures indicated by the doctor.

This is because daily use of less aggressive products to control acne is more effective than just when acne breaks out.

In addition, daily treatment can minimize the skin irritation.

squeezing pimples

It's tempting to squeeze these pimples out of your skin.

But this is one of the most serious acne habits.

As an inflammatory disease, squeezing pimples will exacerbate the inflammation, causing blemishes and scarring.


Benzoyl peroxide, an antibacterial substance active against bacteria that cause acne and inflammation, is a known effective ingredient for the treatment of acne.

However, it is not necessary to use large concentrations of substances to increase their effectiveness.

In fact, benzoyl peroxide can kill acne-causing bacteria, even at low levels, and studies have shown that large amounts of benzoyl peroxide are more irritating and less effective.

Therefore, follow the dermatologist's instructions for proper use.


It is common to complain that soaps with anti-acne ingredients such as salicylic acid and plant extracts have no effect on the skin.

However, in most cases, the problem is not the product, but the way we clean the skin.

The facial cleanser needs skin contact time to begin to take effect.

Therefore, it is useless to wash your face with soap in a few seconds.

The ideal method is to massage the soap into the skin, count to 30 and then rinse your face.


Food is directly related to the quality of our skin.

So it doesn't make sense to perform local topical treatments every day and forget about food.

To date, the strongest evidence for dietary triggers of acne is a high glycemic-load diet.

In one study, acne patients showed significant improvement after 12 weeks on a low-glycemic-load diet.

Subsequent studies have shown that this diet leads to less androgen bioavailability and changes in the skin's sebum production.

Studies have also shown that the use of supplements, such as whey protein, is an important factor in the development of drug-resistant acne.

Dietary recommendations for acne patients include foods or supplements containing probiotics, fatty acids Omega 3, zinc, antioxidants, fiber and vitamin A.

Studies have shown that foods containing zinc play an important role in controlling sebum production.

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