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Guaco tea: discover the benefits and learn how to make it

Discover the tea that will help you on bad days

Those who live with grandparents or older people know that they always have a solution with home remedies for illnesses. Be it tea, syrup or oil, everything always looks very strange. Most of the time, it tastes bad, but we take it because it always works, even if we've never heard of it. With that in mind, today I'm going to introduce you to the guaco tea. A tea I didn't know about until recently, but it surprised me with its properties and benefits.

Also known as witch's herb, snake's herbs, catinga vine or snake's herb, guaco is a medicinal plant originally from South America. It stands out for helping to treat respiratory problems. Guaco tea has therapeutic substances, which are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, among others, which strengthen long-term immunity.

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What are the benefits of guaco tea?

Guaco tea: discover the benefits

Guaco tea is a natural remedy that excels in treating sore throats, coughs and hoarseness. It helps to alleviate flu symptoms and helps to treat different respiratory problems. It is also popularly used to treat rheumatism.

It has an expectorant and anti-allergic action

One of the main benefits of guaco tea is that it helps to alleviate flu and rhinitis symptoms, as it has an expectorant and anti-allergic action - that is, it helps in the elimination of secretions through the respiratory tract and helps to strengthen immunity. Guaco also has bronchodilator substances that help treat breathing-related problems.

Good for skin and hair health

Because it contains substances antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, guaco tea also helps in hair health and of the skin (fights the action of free radicals, preventing premature aging) and also helps to treat possible sources of tissue infection.

Helps bowel function

Guaco tea can also help a lot in the functioning of the digestive system. This is because it has an anti-diarrheal action - it is good for the health of the intestine and prevents possible dehydration.

Side effects

Guaco tea has some possible side effects, including bleeding, increased heart rate, vomiting and diarrhea. Guaco contains coumarin, which can worsen in cases of cough if the person is allergic to coumarin.

who should not use

Guaco is contraindicated for people allergic to this plant, with liver diseases, who use coagulants, for children under 1 year of age and pregnant.

How to use?

Learn now how to make guaco tea

guaco tea

To make the guaco tea you will need 10 grams of guaco leaves and 500 ml of water. Place the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink 2 cups a day.

guaco tea with honey

If mixed together, the bronchodilator and expectorant properties of this plant with the antiseptic and calming properties of honey combine to have even better effects.

To prepare the tea, you will use 8 guaco leaves, 1 tablespoon of honey and 500 ml of boiling water. Add the guaco leaves to the boiling water, cover and let stand for at least 10 minutes. After that time, strain the tea and add honey. Drink 3 to 4 scoops of this tea a day, until you feel it is necessary.

Guaco tea with eucalyptus.

For the preparation, you will need 2 tablespoons of guaco, 2 tablespoons of dried eucalyptus leaves and 1 liter of boiling water. Add the guaco and eucalyptus leaves to the boiling water, cover and let it rest for 10 minutes. Strain before drinking. This tea can be sweetened with honey and it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

guaco tincture

For the preparation, you need 100 g of crushed guaco leaves and 300 ml of alcohol 70. The tincture can be made by leaving 100 grams of the crushed leaves in a dark glass jar with 300 ml of alcohol 70. Leave to rest for 2 weeks in a cool, ventilated place, stirring the mixture once a day. Once filtered, the solution can be used in rubs or local compresses.

The guaco can also be used in the form of a syrup that can be purchased at pharmacies, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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