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Gray hair with highlights: see more about this fashion

As time goes by, our bodies start to show signs that the best age is approaching. White hair, the appearance of white hair is inevitable when you reach a certain age, and that is why they are one of the greatest terrors of vain women. But luckily, there are ways to disguise it, like dyeing your gray hair with highlights.  

But it's good for you to know that if your hair is not strong enough, it will be necessary to go through a hair fortification process, before making the highlights. For this, we indicate the BeautyVip Hair, which has all the natural assets that hair needs to regain its strength. To make use of this super vitamin, just take a capsule a day, between breakfast and lunch.  

BeautyVip Hair, has vitamins of the A, B and C complex, as well as minerals such as Iron and Zinc. Several women throughout Brazil have already benefited from this North American formula, which is able to strengthen hair, increase nail growth and improve the appearance of the skin. So, will you be left out of this news?  

Does gray hair with highlights work? 

Is it worth investing in gray hair with highlights?

If you are one of those who are not yet ready to take on gray hair, know that the lights are a great salvation. This bleaching and dyeing procedure is able to bring a bright look to your hair, disguising gray hair, which can be a big nuisance.  

If you have about 30% of hair made up of white strands, the highlights are more than perfect for you. That's because they are able to give more depth to the hair strands, disguising the gray strands from the roots to the ends. women with the darker hair (brown or black), are the ones that bet on gray hair with highlights, as they manage to reduce the contrast between white hair and those that are still in the natural tone. 

“So it means that I can't have gray hair with highlights if I have lighter strands”, no, not quite. Lights are a procedure that lightens the hair, and that can be done by any woman, regardless of the natural tone of the hair. However, it is in the darker strands that they really show what they came from, as they form a much more intense contrast between lightened and natural strands.  

The lights need to be very thin, to mix with the white threads, and form a color a little more homogeneous. Now if your hair is more than 30% covered by white strands, the best option might be to dye it completely or bet on locks thicker. However, this last option is perhaps the least indicated, as it tends to mark the hair too much, and is a little more apparent.  

To cover gray hair with highlights using dye or colorant? 

If there is a question that hangs over women's heads when coloring their hair, it's which product to choose for it: Dye or toner. Well, know that each one of them has its peculiarities, its benefits and its disadvantages. That's why we'll help you choose the best product to cover gray hair with highlights.  


Ink is perhaps the product most used by women when coloring their hair. However, because it has a somewhat harmful compound in its composition, called ammonia, it ends up causing more damage to the hair, which needs a good dose of nutrition and reconstruction after the dyeing process. However, its durability is somewhat longer, and it doesn't come off as easily as the colorant.  


That's right, the toner has a somewhat lower durability when compared to paint. However, as it does not contain ammonia in its composition, the toner has become one of the darlings of women who want to avoid damage, when covering gray hair with highlights. Toner is much less aggressive than paint, and tends to come off naturally during showering. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, and it depends on your point of view. 

How to make highlights in gray hair? 

Seek help from a professional is more than important for you who want to have beautiful gray hair with highlights.

If you want to have gray hair with highlights, know that the most suitable is to look for a (a) specialist in hair coloring, as he will assess the situation of your hair, and help you choose the most suitable technique for you. Remember to keep the health of your hair up to date, so that there is no time to dye them, there is no adverse effect, such as the weakening of the hair fiber or hair loss.  

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this content about gray hair with highlights. But remember, the best way to grow old is to take on what time has given you, and be happy anyway.  

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