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Granny Hair: Know what it is, its care and how to do it at home

Learn more about the granny hair procedure.

In our day to day we always think about changing the look and we come across several techniques, that's why I bring the granny hair today. The name in free translation sounds strange, but this trend has come to take over the platinum hairline. Below I will tell you more about and how to take care of your hair when you undergo this technique.

what is granny hair 

Find out below what granny hair is.

Granny hair is nothing more than dyeing your hair until it turns whiter or grayer. The gray hair has been conquering the world of the famous, it seems strange for being treated in translation as “grandma's hair”, but it is stylish and super bold.

When you undergo this type of technique, you have to be careful, because it will deal with chemistry, so you may be using the beautvip hair, which works as a hair schedule and will help you hydrate and strengthen your hair.

The granny hair technique has this name because, for a long time, women underwent coloration every fortnight to try to hide the white hairs that insist on appearing. For many years it was a shame to assume age and gray hair, even for those women who suffered from it at an early age.

But now it's no longer shameful and this fight has turned into a trend that has taken a large proportion in the world of celebrities, even the Kylie Jenner already adhered to the granny hair technique. But for you to reach such a result, it is important that you do it carefully so that you reach the perfect gray.

How to do granny hair at home: step by step

Learn how to do the granny hair technique at home.

First you need to choose the ideal paint for the shade you are looking for, as the perfect gray goes far beyond just the unique gray we know, because in addition you need to choose a shade of gray that matches your skin type and hair.

The range of tones ranges from platinum to more greyish blondes and lead gray, and can also be pulled more to bluish. This will depend on how long you do the pigmentation and discoloration of the hair.

Platinum is the first color that people have been experimenting with and enjoying, they make combinations with other tones, leaving the hair lighter and the gray well highlighted. Shades of gray can be done on any hair type.

For you to do the granny hair, your hair needs to be completely bleached, reaching a light blonde. After you do this, apply a gray color wash. Some of the products you will be using are for professional use, so they can be quite expensive.

However, these products are totally important and necessary for your hair to remain healthy throughout the process and to avoid any problems you may have in the future. Let's go to the list:

Once you get everything you'll need, then yes, let's get started. You may be calling someone to help you and avoid any problems you may have in the process.

Now put on the gloves and after doing what I asked above, then we will start doing the granny hair technique. Your hair should be done within forty-five minutes.

Mix the bleaching powder and hydrogen peroxide with the fortifier, this inside the plastic container, and keep stirring until it is homogeneously mixed. Then apply the liquid keratin to the hair, very carefully so that your hair doesn't get too wet.

Then divide your hair into thin strands, so the application of the product that was mixed at the beginning is easier to be done. Now this is getting to the part where everything will happen. Apply the product with the hairbrush, apply it well and always make sure you're doing it right.

Now you expect the product to work in approximately fifty minutes, check every ten minutes at least to make sure your hair is resistant. A tip is that before doing all this process, you do a strand test to see if the hair is prepared to receive all the chemical and be exposed.

After fifty minutes has passed, it's time to rinse off. Check that your hair has reached the desired shade, if not, repeat the entire process after at least three days. It is extremely important that you do not repeat this process on the same day.

You washed your hair well, it's time to color the strands. Color your hair gray and wait thirty minutes for it to work. You may be using colorants that give your hair shine and moisturize too. Finish your hair the way you want and presto, you now have a homemade granny hair.

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