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Garlic mask for hair and face: know the recipe

Learn about the benefits of garlic under the skin and hair, and how to make a homemade 100% garlic mask.

Garlic, for sure, is the favorite spice of every Brazilian. With its intense aroma and flavor, it is super versatile, and can be used in basically any recipe. However, many women don't know, but garlic can be used on the skin, and in the hair. Knowing the various benefits that this seasoning can bring, we will bring you a homemade garlic mascara recipe for hair and skin.

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Garlic in hair and skin, does it really work?

It's no use turning up your nose, garlic is a great ally for women, but many of them don't know it.

Many women don't know, but garlic is a great ally in the fight against acne, skin blemishes, and even delays the effects of aging. In the hair, this seasoning super typical of Brazilian cuisine, brings several benefits, as it brings in its composition, many vitamins and minerals necessary for the hair. Maybe you are looking for a way to how to get rid of oily skin, and maybe this mask is perfect for you.

The garlic mask we're going to teach you today can be used for any type of hair or skin, as long as it doesn't have any kind of wound or infection. The stinging effect of garlic can cause some irritation in exposed areas, especially on the face and scalp. In fact, the use of any product, or mask in these situations, is totally not recommended by dermatologists or estheticians.

If you, like me, are concerned about the health of the skin, especially when it comes to cancer, know that garlic reduces the risk of this terrible disease, acting directly on the skin's dermis, controlling the Ph and the production of tallow.

With its anti-inflammatory and fungicidal action, this is the perfect mask for those with fragile skin or hair, and the best part is that it can be made and applied at home, without any problem, as long as the recipe and the application are followed directly, without shortcuts.

Well, now that we know all the benefits of garlic under hair and skin, let's get down to the recipe.

Garlic mask for hair and skin:

Let's now learn, how to prepare a garlic mask in case, so that you don't have to resort to industrialized options.

In this recipe, we will combine two great anti-inflammatory drugs, which are garlic, and vinegar, which when applied under the skin and hair, bring great benefits. But come on, straight to the ingredients of this garlic mask:

All you need is: 1 freshly squeezed garlic clove; 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (may be what you find, but organic is better); 1 dessert spoon of coconut oil. 

In order not to lose the garlic's nutrients, just squeeze it when putting it in the recipe. The first step is to put all the ingredients in a container, and wait for about 1 hour.

To apply under the skin and scalp, you may need to double or triple the amount of ingredients. But first, do just a little, and see how much your hair needs so that there is no waste.

With the skin and/or hair already clean, apply the mask, and let it act for about 20 or 30 minutes. After that, just wash the conventional way with water and soap (preferably neutral). When washing, do not rub too hard, so as not to cause injury.

Garlic mask just for the face:

This garlic mascara recipe should only be applied under the skin of the face, and should not go into the hair. No stalling, let's get straight to the point:

All you will need is: 3 tablespoons of honey; 2 scoops of white clay; rose water  (the amount you deem necessary) and 3 cloves of garlic. 

Now all you have to do is mash the garlic, as if you were going to season it, and add this paste with the white clay and honey. Then just moisten this mixture, with water and rose milk, until a very creamy paste is formed.

Preferably before bed, or after removing makeup, apply this mixture under the face, neck or other areas of the skin (as long as it is away from sensitive areas), avoiding the part closest to the eyes. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, wash your face normally and apply moisturizer. Repeat this process at least 3 times a week for best results.

So that's it, I hope you enjoyed this homemade garlic mascara recipe. Always stay connected with us.

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