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Foods that help hair grow

Check here some foods that will leave you with bigger locks, in addition to making your hair prettier and stronger.

Nowadays, the care with the hair is present in the lives of many Brazilian women, who are always looking for methods to develop and strengthen their locks. In this sense, today we will bring you some tips for you to use on your hair, in addition to the main one, which is to show you that it can be simple to reach your goal with the consumption of foods that help your hair grow.

Remembering that if your hair is weak, this can be a symptom of the lack of nutrients in the diet, which contributes to the fragility of your hair. With that in mind, several women resort to BeautyVip Hair, which are powerful capsules for the growth of your hair. So if you want to have your hair the way you want it right away, the solution is to combine BeautVip with foods that help your hair grow.

Today you will see here what you should eat for your hair to develop, understanding why some foods that help hair grow facilitate this process, so check out everything about this subject here.

Do you know what to eat to make your hair grow? Not? So follow here which are the ideal foods.

What to add to meals for locks?

You'll now see what foods are for your hair and how they help your hair develop, so don't miss these amazing tips, which will give your locks life.

Peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts

Some of the foods that help hair grow are almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, as they contain vitamins E and B, in addition to having proteins for the threads and also being composed of a good fat, which are fatty acids. These properties are responsible for helping the locks in their growth and in their fortification.

the seafood

Oysters, shrimp, octopus and squid are examples of some of the seafood that are rich in zinc. This component produces collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and strength of the threads. essential for your hair not to break and stay long. Many times we have the feeling that our locks do not grow, when in fact the problem is the fall that does not allow us to see.

Intake of green teas

Green teas are widely used with the purpose of weight loss, although this benefit, green tea also stimulates hair to grow, as they help blood circulation, which improves the arrival of nutrients in the scalp, where the threads are formed.

carrots and sweet potatoes

These are the foods that cannot be lacking in your diet, as they contain vitamin A in their compounds, which helps in the production of sebum that protects the threads and also acts in the formation of hair cells, making them grow with health, in addition to favoring the shine of the locks.

Milks and yogurts

The aforementioned foods are made of proteins, which recover the strands' keratin, giving them greater strength and also elasticity, which allows the hair to grow, in addition to milk and yogurt making the body protect the locks from the thread's damaging agents.

bananas and cereals

Some of the foods that help hair grow and strengthen are cereals and bananas, which have the vitamin B7, better known as biotin, which is one of the main elements for keratin, which has benefits for the development of highlights, as we have already shown here.

egg consumption

Eggs, in addition to having proteins that are essential for the construction of the threads, they also have biotin and omega 3, which stimulate hair growth, so that they can form healthy and also strong.

citrus fruits

These foods, such as oranges, lemons and acerolas, contain vitamin C, which is responsible for freeing the threads from fragility. They also have the action of protecting collagen fibers, which help hair to grow faster.

Now that you've come this far, you already know many of the foods that help your hair grow and, therefore, you can add them to your meals, so that you can achieve the result you expect, which is the growth of your locks.

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