Foods that help skin beauty

In this article we'll talk about some of the most diverse foods that help skin beauty, stay with us to discover all this.

If your skin doesn't have those things, check the fridge before looking for new cosmetics.

If you don't provide your body with the nutrients your body needs, your skin will certainly not be in the best condition.

Instead of investing in products that cover just one stain or another, it's better to stock your refrigerator with these foods to improve your skin.

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Of course, they go really well with salads.

But cooking them can even help your health more effectively.

Lycopene is an antioxidant that turns tomatoes red and helps eliminate free radicals caused by tomatoes. ultraviolet rays.

When the fruit is heated, your body absorbs nutrients that block sunlight.

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About half a cup of cooked tomatoes or sauce already contains 16 mg of lycopene.

With plenty of sunscreen, this daily dose can help you stay away from a red face.


Not only is it delicious, it also carries a lot of Vitamin C, which alleviates the appearance of wrinkles.

And Vitamin C is essential for collagen production.

The more collagen you have, the less wrinkled your skin is.

In fact, a recent US study found that volunteers who consumed about 4 milligrams of Vitamin C per day over a three-year period decreased the appearance of wrinkles on 11%.


You can use this vegetable to build an anti-cancer stronghold.

People who eat more green leaves have half as many skin tumors as those who eat less.

The folic acid present in these vegetables can even help repair and preserve DNA.

Basically increasing self-renewal capacity of the cell.

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This reduces the likelihood of cancer cell growth.

The benefit of favorite food from Popeye is that the water present in green leaves penetrates the cell membrane, filling the skin and reducing wrinkles.


The omega-6 fatty acids contained in safflower oil can be the ultimate moisturizer for people with extremely dry, flaky and irritable skin.

They keep cell walls flexible and allow water to penetrate the skin more easily.

Scientists have found that this oil can help people with serious illnesses such as eczema.

Then choose calories that support 5-10% of your daily calories.


Green tea, when the temperature is high, the infusion will release catechins, which is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

The antioxidants in tea start to decrease as the liquid cools, so you can drink it while it's still hot.

Drinking two to six cups of tea a day isn't just helpful.

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It still prevents skin cancer, but it can also reverse the harmful effects of sunlight.


These tiny seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can eliminate blemishes and fine lines.

In a six-week experiment conducted in England, participants in a study that consumed just over 2 grams of omega-3s had more skin hydration.

Fat inhibits your body's response to stimuli and attracts water to your skin cells to fill them and reduce wrinkles.

Sprinkle flax seeds in oatmeal or vegetables.


This is a medicine, so of course you need it.

The antioxidants in dark chocolate can reduce the skin wrinkles and protect them from sun damage.

People who ingested about 362 mg of fortified cocoa had better skin texture and better UV resistance than people who ingested only a small amount of antioxidants.

The strength is also greater.

Therefore, only a few grams per day are needed.