Calcium-Rich Foods: Find Out Why It's So Important

Eating foods rich in calcium is extremely important to ensure strong, healthy bones and prevent disease. Calcium is an essential mineral to improve the structure of bones and teeth, improve muscle strength and contraction, aid in the blood clotting process and maintain blood pH balance.

A diet rich in calcium goes far beyond milk and cheese. To show its importance, we separate foods rich in calcium that are easily found, together with them we bring the BeautVip which is an excellent complement and thought for you and your skin's health.

Why should we consume calcium?

Food rich in calcium benefits you in many ways. Look:

Some of the calcium rich foods are milk, cheese, spinach and broccoli. These and other foods contribute a lot to good health. A diet lacking in calcium will not bring symptoms in the short term, however it can bring big problems to your body. Calcium-rich foods must be consumed daily so that all metabolic processes can take place correctly. If calcium intake is low the body will take it from the bones and put it in the blood, thus causing osteoporosis in the long term.

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Calcium Benefits

  • Bone Strengthening: Strengthens the spine and helps relieve the presence of back pain point helps keep bones in their proper shape.
  • Obesity prevention: helps maintain ideal body weight. If there is any calcium deficiency in your diet, your body tends to release parathyroid hormone, which in turn stimulates your bones to release calcium into your bloodstream.
  • Cardiac Muscle Protection A colon protects the heart muscles by helping them to contract and relax properly.
  • Colon Cancer Prevention: Prevents the overall risk of colon cancer and suppresses the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer. Calcium reduces the risk of colon adenomas and tumors.
  • Prevention of premenstrual depression: calcium reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as dizziness, hypertension, mood swings and others. Low calcium levels can trigger the release of hormones that are responsible for premenstrual mood swings including irritability and depression.
  • Healthy PH alkaline level: Excess sugars and preserved foods contribute to the formation of acidity in the body, which in turn can give rise to various disease conditions such as cancer, kidney stones and hypertension. Calcium helps maintain a healthy PH level improving your vitality and overall health.
  • Healthy Teeth and Gums: Calcium protects teeth by keeping jaw bones strong and resilient throughout their life, which in turn ensures tight teeth where bacteria cannot thrive.
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Foods rich in calcium

Learn about foods rich in calcium.
  • Low fat skim yogurt
  • Natural yogurt
  • Skimmed milk
  • whole milk
  • Powdered milk
  • Goat milk
  • Ricotta cheese
  • mozzarella cheese
  • Skinless sardine
  • Mussel
  • oysters
  • Almond
  • Basil
  • raw soy bean
  • Seeds or linseed oil
  • Soy flour
  • Cress
  • Chickpea
  • Nuts
  • sesame seeds
  • Peanut
  • Pass grape
  • mustard chard
  • cooked spinach
  • tofu
  • Brazil Nut
  • cooked black beans
  • prunes
  • cooked broccoli
  • soy drinks
  • Brewer's yeast
  • Soya beans
  • baked pumpkin

Fortified foods are a great alternative to increasing your calcium intake, especially when foods that are sources of calcium are not part of your everyday diet. A daily intake of at least 1000 mg of calcium per day is recommended, but this amount may vary according to the person's age, lifestyle and family history of illness.

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When calcium consumption does not respect the daily recommendation, some symptoms may appear over the long term, such as weakness of the bones, sensitivity in the teeth, irritability and cramps, and it is important to go to the doctor for a deficiency to be identified. When the intake of foods rich in calcium does not occur, supplementation is indicated.

high calcium diet

  • Breakfast-a French bread with Minas cheese and a glass of milk
  • Tofu-stewed lunch with rice and spinach cooked with grated cheese. For dessert grapes.
  • Snack without natural yoghurt with blackberry granola and to accompany mango and orange juice.
  • Dinner-roasted sardines with baked potatoes and broccoli seasoned with olive oil. A pear for dessert.

Tips for Dieting a High Calcium Diet

  • Drink milk for breakfast or before bedtime
  • have a yogurt a day
  • Put a slice of Minas cheese on bread or toast
  • Add grated cheese to macaroni and white cheese to salads
  • Add sour cream to soups and sauces
  • Eat fruits rich in calcium such as mangoes, blackberries, kiwis, oranges, pears, prunes and grapes
  • Regularly eat dark green colored vegetables like spinach and broccoli because they are also sources of calcium.