Folic Acid for Hair: Learn How to Use and Benefits

Hair loss is already a real nuisance, but when it becomes frequent and the strands begin to fall out in greater quantity, it also brings worry. You've certainly searched for methods to stop hair loss at some point in your life. And if you haven't, maybe you still need to. Hair loss is related to the health of the highlights as well as the health of the body, so we are going to show you folic acid for hair.

Another product that will treat the strands with all the affection, taking care and reducing the fall, leaving the hair stronger, with more shine, softer and contributing to a fast growth is BeautVip. Definitely the best option! But then, let's get to know Folic Acid for hair?

The idea of using acid on your hair seems kind of weird, right? But it's not bad, friend, I promise! On the contrary, folic acid for hair will contribute to the restoration of the strand structure, restoring the health of the tresses. It also acts on the immune system, brain, nails and skin, bringing great benefits to both.

What is Folic Acid?

In case you don't know what folic acid is, we'll teach you right now!

Folic acid is a very important vitamin in our health. It is also known as folate, folacin or vitamin B9. This vitamin is essential in health and is part of the B-complex group of vitamins, thus preventing hair loss and weak nails.

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It also participates in the formation of DNA and RNA in our cells. It is important in the maturation of red blood cells. This vitamin exists in small amounts in our body, mainly in leftovers and kidneys.

Benefits of Folic Acid

Using folic acid for hair is very beneficial, but in addition, this vitamin also has a valuable action in many other functions of our body. For example, it helps prevent nervous system diseases and cardiovascular problems, helps reduce the risk of stroke, hearing loss in older people, and Alzheimer's. It also helps in psychological health, acting as a co-factor in the production of serotonin in the body, a hormone that balances mood.

Benefits of Folic Acid for Hair:

In addition to the many benefits mentioned above, folic acid for hair will be responsible for balancing the hair oils. The natural oil of the threads is divided between the hair and serves as protection for the threads. The excess of this oil, brings problems such as dandruff to the locks.

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Folic acid for hair will make the scalp healthier and contribute to the distribution of the natural oil produced by the hair and consequently, the strands will be stronger, shiny and soft. Growth will also be healthier with the use of folic acid for hair, so breakage decreases.

Foods rich in folic acid

Milk, eggs, meat (mainly liver), seeds and grains, nuts and nuts, mushrooms, brewer's yeast, citrus fruits, broccoli, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, arugula and lettuce.

In addition to natural foods, some of the processed foods also have the presence of folic acid. Food alone will be enough to replenish the necessary folic acid in our body.

The absence of this vitamin is unusual, but supplementation may be necessary for women trying to become pregnant to help reduce the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects.

It also prevents anemia caused by acid deficiency. Malformation of the fetus can occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, so it is ideal that this supplementation is started at least 5 months before the beginning of attempts to become pregnant.

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How to consume folic acid for hair?

As mentioned in the topic above, several foods are rich in folic acid, so you need a balanced and healthy diet. For consumption through vitamin complexes, consulting a specialist will be essential. The doctor will be in charge of verifying the correct amount for ingestion. Can be combined with other nutrients.

The vitamin is water soluble, so it is easily removed from the body. Recommended usage per day is 400mg. Check if there may be a deficiency of this vitamin in the body and thus understand the best way to ingest it.

Signs that folic acid is low:

Your hair may show some signs when folic acid is lacking in the body.

Folic acid is low when it is less than 2 ml in the blood. Normal values are above 4ml. Lack of folic acid in the body can lead to pallor, weakness, tiredness, discouragement, irritability, depression, headaches, cracking in the mouth, thrush, red tongue, and baldness.

If levels are below normal in pregnant women, especially at the beginning of management, it may indicate malformation of the fetus. From the neural tube mainly. This is a structure in the fetus that will give rise to the child's brain and nervous system.

Low levels in the blood are generally associated with cases of chronic alcoholism, dialysis, intestinal malabsorption diseases, pregnancy, hemolytic anemia and some medications such as methotrexate, phenytoin, sulfasalazine, trimethoprim.