Finasteride for women: Does it work? Do you have any contraindications?

If you suffer from hair problems such as a fall, you have certainly heard of Finasteride. However, its use is generally associated with men. But can women enjoy the same benefits? Does this drug have any contraindications? All this and more you will see in this article. Check out.

Finasteride for women works
Finasteride is a known medicine to treat baldness. However, as its use is generally associated with men, you may wonder if Finasteride works for women. That's what we'll talk about in this article.

Many women who suffer from hair loss or feel weaker hairs, resort to BeautyVip Hair. After all, its rich composition promises to make the strands more resistant, strengthened, nourished, hydrated and even promotes the growth of new strands. So, in addition to treating the fall, it helps hair growth.

Now, if in addition to the BeautVip Hair vitamin supplement, you are considering the possibility of using Finasteride, then it is essential that you have prior knowledge of some guidelines that involve this remedy. And to check this information, just continue this article.

What is Finasteride?

Finasteride, for those who don't know, is an antiandrogen drug responsible for inhibiting an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which, among other things, is responsible for causing hair loss in men.

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That is, although Finasteride really is a medium indicated to treat hair loss, it is effective only in some cases, such as when there is an incidence of high levels of DHT, such as androgenetic alopecia.

Regarding its effectiveness, it is indisputable. After all, there is no lack of reports from several men who claim that this is a miraculous product capable of reversing baldness. And, knowing that women can also suffer from this condition, it is understandable to question whether Finasteride works in women.

Does Finasteride really work?

Yes, and there is a lot of evidence to support this assertion. But certainly the most incisive of these is the fact that Finasteride is the only oral drug approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men by ANVISA and the US agency FDA.

However, it is good to make it clear that Finasteride is proven to be effective in cases of androgenetic alopecia. Apart from these cases, the medicine may even cause some improvement, but it was developed to treat a specific type of baldness.

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Therefore, before using this remedy deliberately, it is essential to know the cause of your hair loss and only then look for the most appropriate way to solve the problem.

Therefore, a visit to a qualified doctor is essential to ensure better results and make your problem resolved as soon as possible. Now, on top of that, it's important to know if Finasteride for Women works.

Does Finasteride work in women?

When reading the medicine leaflet itself, you will read that it is a medicine not recommended for women and children, and the reason is relatively simple. Finasteride inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT (responsible for baldness).

However, hardly any woman will have hair loss because of this, so Finasteride would become useless. Other than that, the use of the drug is not recommended for women of childbearing age, as its use can cause malformation in the fetus, such as abnormalities in the external genitalia and feminization.

However, some recent studies still point to possible benefits of Finasteride for women, depending on the case that is causing the hair loss. Other than that, some doctors even say that women cannot take doses higher than 5mg.

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Furthermore, it is still said that women, when using Finasteride, should combine its use with contraception. What we mean by all this is that only a trained professional can give you more accurate information on the subject.

What are the contraindications of Finasteride?

As already pointed out, in the leaflet it says that the medicine is not suitable for women. However, as some doctors administer Finasteride differently in females, it is said that there are not that many problems.

Now, if you are pregnant, know that it is important to stay away from this medication as it can cause complications for the fetus. Also, if you are breastfeeding, be aware that Finasteride may be present in breast milk, passing on to the child.

What are the contraindications of Finasteride
Although some doctors claim that Finasteride can be used by women, those who are pregnant should avoid its use.

Therefore, even if you are already past the gestational period, it is important to suspend the use of Finasteride until the day you stop breastfeeding, precisely to avoid any kind of risk to your baby.