Fennel tea: learn about other ways to use and the benefits of fennel

The fennel tea is well known and consumed in the homes of the Brazilian people. Commonly used for teas and spices. If asked about the purpose of this herb, the common answer is that it is good for gas, bad digestion, and headaches, but few know the true power of this little seed.

It can be used for various purposes, such as fennel tea, or fennel oil is widely used in the world of aesthetics and skin care. Another product that brings results as good as fennel is the BeautVip, the one that brings the care of your skin as you need and deserve.

The fennel is also known as green anise, white pimpinela and anise. This is a medicinal plant with white flowers and dried fruits that contains only one seed with a sweet taste and a strong aroma. It is popularly used for gastritis, abdominal bloating, poor digestion, gas and headache due to its various anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-dyspeptic properties.

This plant is also used in cosmetics and perfumery products. It can be found as oils and dry extract, being found in markets, compounding pharmacies, street markets, natural food stores and others.

What is it for?

What is tea for? understand
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache
  • menstrual cramps
  • Cough, flu, cold, catarrh, runny nose
  • Indigestion
  • Mouth and throat inflammations
  • muscle spasms
  • abdominal swelling
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Because it has the ability to reduce the effects of food fermentation in the body, such as the production of gas, fennel tea can be used to relieve discomfort in the intestines. It can also be indicated to reduce blood sugar levels and hot flashes that are more common during menopause.

It also has antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic antifungal properties. It is also insect repellent and can be used to prevent the proliferation of Aedes aegypti (dengue mosquito).

Benefits of fennel tea

Benefits and properties of tea

Acts as an antioxidant

It offers a beneficial effect to the body in combating free radicals that oxidize cells, thus helping to control premature aging and the emergence of diseases caused by damaged cells, such as cancer

Fight fungi

The fight against fungi promoted by tea, to treat internal or external problems is possible, together with medical treatment.

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ulcer treatment

It is very effective as a treatment booster. However, one must remain aware of possible side effects when consumed with another type of medication.


Shows best effect when using seed extract. But with fennel tea, it is still possible to get positive responses, as the plant has the ability to inhibit in 94% the action of enzymes that cause the increase in blood glucose levels.


Bacteria that attack the body can provoke different reactions, depending on the type. But fennel tea has an excellent action in preventing the development of bacteria that attack the intestines, skin and lungs.

Fight against colic

Bowel, uterine, stomach and bladder pains can be controlled with fennel tea because it has a relaxing action on the muscles of these organs, which cause pain when they contract.


If you are trying to avoid pain medications with aspirin, a good option to replace them is to drink fennel tea. But only take it if you are not using medication that alters cognitive functions, or the effect of the medication may change.

Asthma and Bronchitis Relief

Anyone with respiratory problems can try fennel tea as a treatment to relieve symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. But preferably, for a more accentuated effect, the extract of the seeds should be used.

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Fighting Infectious Diseases

In infections caused by viruses, fennel tea can also help, but as part of the treatment. Its effect tends to be better in simple illnesses such as flu and cold than virus attack in more severe cases. Consultation with the doctor is essential.

How to use fennel


Put 1 teaspoon of dried fennel into 1 cup of boiled water and cover. Let it sit for 5 minutes, strain and it is ready to drink. It can also be used in a recipe for cakes and cookies.

Essential oil

Fennel oil is a great ally of women, as it acts as regulated in the production of female hormones, regulating the menstrual cycle , relieving pain and cramps resulting from the period. For lactating women, it stimulates milk production.

Helps with menstrual and stomach cramps and is indicated for pre-menopause and menopause. It can be used in massages and baths, as it highlights the back and helps to improve lower back pain.

It is a relaxing and calming herb, relieves stress that projects in the lower abdomen, the region where this oil is most active. It has benefits for the respiratory system though but is linked to nervous system problems such as asthma and nervous dyspnea. Relieves symptoms and improves the state of the nervous system. There are several other oils that are excellent for health, such as linseed oil, with wonderful benefits.