False dandruff: Find out what it is, what causes it and how to avoid it

Dandruff is a nuisance that generates a white "dust" that spreads throughout the hair, often generates itching and is a problem when it is visible. Sometimes they fall on the shoulders and clothes and when someone notices, the situation becomes a bit embarrassing (nobody deserves it, right!?). But it doesn't stop there, there is another similar problem that many people don't know about (that's all they needed): False dandruff! This is a nuisance caused by the accumulation of product in the hair and who suffers most from it are the owners of frizzy and curly hair. 

In addition to dandruff, it is necessary to maintain other care with the locks so that they always remain shiny, soft, well hydrated, healthy and full of life, in addition to the definition and volume of dreams of course (I love you!) Curly hair needs a special attention at the time of treatment. Sometimes, the capillary schedule may not be enough, requiring the implementation of other resources. 

For the nutrients and vitamins to be properly supplied to the hair, it is necessary that they exist in an acceptable amount in the body and for that, it is necessary to have a good diet (eat some berries every day and drink water, miga) and products that can help with that. This is where the BeautVip. These amazing capsules were made thinking exactly about you and those who love to keep their hair impeccable. They keep the locks strong, hydrated and even help to develop the threads, contributing to a healthy growth and revitalizing the entire hair. It couldn't be better.  

What is false dandruff?

Did you know that false dandruff exists? I will tell you a little about it.

False dandruff looks and looks like real dandruff, but it's not (at least that, right). It has nothing to do with scalp flaking. False dandruff occurs due to the incorrect use of hair finishers for curly and frizzy hair, such as creams and gelatins. False dandruff is harder to spot when hair is still wet, but when it dries, white “dust” is noticeable all over the hair. The shape of curly and frizzy hair contributes a lot to the formation of this problem. 

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Excessive care

O COG ritual (Finishing technique for curly and afro frizzy hair that involves mixing cream, oil and gelatin for a better finish) and other finishing techniques with cream and capillary gelatin are excellent for those who love well-defined hair and want to look good during the day after. However, when procedures are not done correctly, false dandruff ends up being a consequence. If you feel that your hair needs more product, apply in smaller amounts so that they don't crumble into the hair. 

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Hydration prevents false dandruff  

Even though it seems, creams and gelatins are not the reasons for the appearance of false dandruff. The real reason for this discomfort is the lack of hydration of the locks, thus contributing to the accumulation of products and residues due to the hair cuticles being open. It is for this reason that we cannot fail to moisturize the locks, since curly hair is dried naturally. Following the hair schedule correctly will allow the hairs to be healthy and so the products will penetrate more easily. 

Use vegetable oils to finish curly and frizzy hair 

It's worth trying a little bit of vegetable oil at the time of submission, see! It nourishes the strands deeply and even seals all the cuticles, thus preventing products from accumulating in curls and, consequently, preventing false dandruff. In addition, vegetable oil also makes our hair super shiny and helps control the amount of cream we put on our hair. The oil can be anything you like and can be found in health food stores. 

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How to eliminate false dandruff and true dandruff? 

Identify the root of the problem 

The first point is to identify whether it is false dandruff or not. For true dandruff it is necessary to seek a form of control, as they cannot be excluded from our lives altogether (unfortunately). So identify the cause and focus and then control.  

Use specific shampoos for dandruff 

Search among the various shampoos which one is ideal for your hair type and then use as ordered on the package. These products will help regulate the production of sebum in the hair, reducing oiliness and eliminating possible fungi in the scalp. Proper use can control dandruff formation and prevent dandruff from appearing. 

moisturize hair

As already mentioned, hydration is essential to avoid false dandruff, as it seals the cuticles of the entire hair and thus prevents products from accumulating in the strands. It also keeps your hair nourished and beautiful. 

Be careful with excess products 

False dandruff is excess product trapped in the hair cuticles. Make sure it doesn't happen.

Excessive use of products can lead to clogging of the pores in the scalp, thus leading to bigger and more unpleasant problems. Avoid the root when applying the products and if you start to feel that the hair is heavy or that there is accumulation, wash the strands with an anti-residue shampoo.