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Is your hair falling out a lot? see what to do

The causes of hair loss are diverse and need attention.

Is your hair falling out a lot? see what to do

It's very sad when we realize that we have a lot of hair falling out, when we're going to take a shower or when they get accumulated on the pillow and hairbrush, isn't it? It's normal a few strands a day, but when they are falling too fast, or in high amounts we should pay attention on some factors.

Excessive hair loss can show us that something is not going very well in our health, that is, not all times the hair loss is only the result of the strands that need hydration, or another cream.

Although it is normal to see the hair falling scene daily, knowing that this is a natural hair process, it may be necessary consult a specialized professional to understand what's going on in case it's falling a lot.

The causes can be different, quite the contrary as they say, hair loss is not only caused by chemical or pregnancy, but by several factors, as follows:

Emotional: (Depressionstressanxiety disorder)

Physical: (thyroid problems, anemia and eating disorders, pregnancy and other causes)

Chemical: (products that come into contact with the scalp, causing allergies)

Of course just a professional will be able to explain to you why your hair is falling out at such a fast pace, but it's always good to know what might be happening to you, that's why we wrote this article

The difference between hair loss and hair loss

There is a difference between hair breakage and hair loss. You may already know what this difference is or think it's pretty obvious, but it's pretty confuse one with the other.

So think about the situation when you look at your hair falling into the brush or down the bathroom drain, in front of it you look and analyze whether the hair is there in one piece or just small pieces of it? There is a possibility that those wires are broken, and not falling out completely.

Because sometimes we end up confusing these two situations, but, in fact, they have a very simple difference that is easy to repair: breakage happens when the hair breaks at some length, while the fall is when the hair falls out together, along with the hair bulb(that very small white dot that is at the end of the wire).

Is there any way to get rid of scab hair?

Now that you understand hair loss and what are the reasons you might have your hair falling out, it's nice to see what they are the main ways to solve this problem in a way for all.

If you've started noticing your hair sticking out of your head, a few tips can help you while the real cause isn't found.

We will give you 4 tips, these tips are for keep applying even when your hair returns to normal, that is, they are tips that can make your hair stronger, wonderful isn't it?

1. Hydration is your best friend at all times

Look, if it weren't for the hydration, I don't know what our hair would be, it's the first stage of the capillary schedule, It's mandatory for anyone who has any type of hair that is healthy and strong, and of course including that hair that is falling out.

2. Of the right space between one wash and another

Even if you have oily hair, it's good to wash it off. Washing, when done in excess (daily for example) can weaken the hair and leave it vulnerable and fragile.

So if you have the routine of washing your hair at every shower, it's good to rethink, plan and understand that this may be the cause of the fall of your darling in? 😉

3. Beware of chemical treatments, IF POSSIBLE STOP!

Chemical procedures can be a lot to blame if the issue is hair loss! Change chemical and aggressive treatments for products with natural formulations, they have the power to make a hair cleaning without harming them.

Hair loss has taken the sleep of many people, especially women who have been through it or are still going through it.

The daily rush, poor diet and hormone imbalances have caused damage to our self-esteem and our appearance. If you have had this problem, see your doctor as this drop may be the result of emotional problems, but of course, follow our tips for make your hair wonderful!

4. Pay attention to your scalp too

The live part of our hair is in the hair bulb, it gets in our scalp hair. If your hair is falling out a lot, there may be something wrong with that hair area.

O scalp it is a very important region for the health of our hair, where the strands are born, grow and form, it's like the “cradle of our hair". So any kind of problems that occur in this region can affect our hair negatively, so it is with hair loss and brittle hair.

Scalp problems also show some symptoms such as itchiness, irritation or peeling, try to eat well, always hydrate yourself and use products such as shampoos designed to stimulate the hair bulb (which is also related to the scalp)

Extra tip to end the fall once and for all: O BeautVip can help you with hair health, it is a vitamin that, in addition to helping nail growth and leaving beautiful skin, strengthens hair and solves the hair loss and of course, it makes him look wonderful.
O beauty vip is a revolutionary vitamin, which came to help your health and self-esteem take off, by the way, which women don't want to have all of this in a way easy and quick, Is not it?

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