Facial filling: learn more about this procedure

You know that desire to give your look a fresh look, which usually appears all of a sudden? Well, when it appears, many women tend to bet on a new haircut, or even a new style of clothing. On the other hand, there are those who want to make a change a little more radical, betting on a procedure that has been making talk lately. Its name is facial fill, and it will be the main subject of this article, which we developed especially for you. 

Aesthetic procedures may even have become great allies for women. However, the main choice for those who wish to have their self-esteem renewed every day are the skin improvement and capillary strengthening capsules BeautyVip Hair. That's right, this incredible vitamin complex, has become the favorite of women, because with one capsule a day, it is able to renew the skin, give more shine to the hair, and even strengthen the nails.  

Now that you've met this great daily ally, let's talk a little about facial filling, which has been one of the biggest requests for aesthetic clinics throughout Brazil. So, stay connected with us there. 

What is facial filling? 

Let's explain what the facial filling technique is about.

Over time, our skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness, which are one of the great characteristics of our youth. When this happens, the famous expression lines, such as the chicken feet and wrinkles begin to show, becoming the great villains of facial aesthetics.  

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When this happens, many women bet on the famous facial Botox, which is able to "paralyze" muscle areas, to revive the face again. But in case you didn't know, Botox is not able to fill cavities, and so it cannot improve the appearance of problems like the Chinese mustache, or other cavities that appear on the face.  

But calm down that these problems have a solution, and its name is facial fill. This technique consists of injecting components that are capable of penetrating deeply into the skin, making the cavities and grooves soften or even disappear completely.  

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But if it's not made with botulinum toxin, what is applied to the skin? 

Well, the one who shows up in this aesthetic procedure is the hyaluronic acid, which is already a substance that is present in our body. This acid is able to attract water molecules, causing imperfections in the face to disappear, as well as wrinkles and other expression lines.  

Can dentists do facial filling? 

The field of dentistry has been expanding in recent times. It is quite common to meet a professional in this area, who specializes in aesthetics, and now operates in this market, which has been in great ascendancy in our country.  

The dentist specialized in this area is able to harmonize dental procedures with aesthetic ones, making the patient have a more harmonized face and excellent oral health. People with asymmetrical faces have been looking for dental clinics specializing in facial filling and other aesthetic procedures, to smile with more confidence.  

How is the facial filling done with hyaluronic acid? 

Is facial filling a very complex technique? Are there any risks?

First, the patient will go through what we call the evaluation stage, which consists of going through a thorough medical consultation, where the professional will assess the situation of the imperfections present in the face of the patient. After identifying the most critical points, the patient will receive the application of hyaluronic acid, with a needle known as a microcannula.  

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Fortunately after the application, the patient can continue with his life normally, practicing daily activities. However, it will be necessary to avoid for a few days, the use of makeup and sunstroke (exposure to the sun). Pay attention to all the professional's recommendations, as they may vary from one to another.  

What is the durability of facial filling with hyaluronic acid? 

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, facial filling with hyaluronic acid requires retouching, usually once every 20 months. For you who still feel unsure about this procedure, know that because it is done with the use of a substance that is already present in our body, adverse reactions are an almost non-existent concern.  

However, it is necessary to fill in the face with hyaluronic acid, always with an experienced professional, accredited by Organs competent bodies. Any type of aesthetic procedure must be done by experienced hands, to present the expected results, otherwise you can end up with a face completely out of harmony.  

There are other types of procedures performed with hyaluronic acid, such as the famous lip filling, which is a subject that we will discuss in another opportunity. So that's it for now, we hope this article on facial filling has been of great value to you! Until next time, remember to always take care of your skin with care.