Eyebrow with shadow: Learn how to do it

Pigmented eyebrows have been the new trend among women in recent years, which in addition to making all the difference in makeup time, they also "raise the look", before being created specifically for these "little hairs", there were shadows that are used to color the eyelids that could also be used and the eye pencils, find out how the eyeshadow eyebrow is made.

Eyebrow with shadow
Take ownership of this super trend too

From the 60s onwards, the fashion was to use very thin eyebrows, where several famous people appeared on magazine covers, television and events with this technique, but times have changed and the most interesting thing about eyebrows with eyeshadow and the way they are drawn is that you can define the way you want it to be, whether more arched, or semi-arched, angular, semi-angular, straight, rounded or semi-rounded.

Check out each of the formats that exist:

The arched model is the one well highlighted with striking curvatures that determines a more "angry" and powerful expression, in addition to contributing to give that "up" in the look and combine with a round face giving the impression of elongated, there are also semi-arched ones that are those that they have a similar format to the previous one, but they do not have such expressive characteristics and they are not very high.

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The angular ones are also similar to the arched ones, but without sharp lines and it seems to give more naturalness to the face, combining with a face square and triangular. The semi-angular type is still less curved than the angular one and the size is shorter and can also be used perfectly for a triangular face. Straight lines do not have any curvature and are usually thick, generally conveying a “neutral expression” and ideal for a longer face.

The rounded model, different from straight lines, has a rounding that extends from when it starts to the end of it and to complete it we have semi-rounded ones that look like the previous one, but less accentuated.

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These are some of our tips, but it's very important to take ownership of the model that best suits your appearance and makes you feel good.

How to fill it out:

It is ideal that before filling the eyebrow with shadow, there is a fully visible and well-delimited field of hairs, to achieve a good demarcation and notion of the eyebrow boundary, so as not to pigment too much or too little, so it is interesting to look for one professional you trust to do this job or if you have mastered the technique, do it yourself.

Excess hair removal:

Take a makeup pencil, preferably white so as not to smudge too much, and apply it in the shape you want, to highlight the by the that were left out and with tweezers remove all the excess before pigmenting the eyebrow with shadow, then trim and comb with a “brush” or comb to align and don't forget to clean the area containing the pencil with a tonic and cotton or cotton swab.

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First, with the help of your own brush, start delimiting the inner corner of the eyebrow, then fill in the outer corner with the brush in a horizontal position and with the shadow remnants that were left on the brush, complete the entire middle, finally use an illuminator in the corners of it and apply a concealer around it making it very visible.

A tip: Choose the color that's right for you:

To make the process even better, choose the right color and you can do this by comparing your hair and skin tone.

For women with dark or black hair, we indicate a lighter or darker brown that varies according to the skin, for blondes we suggest grayish brown to marry the blonde and not get too “heavy” and exaggerated and redheads can trust a reddish brown.

Did you like our tips? Filling in your eyebrows with eyeshadow has never been easier, do it yourself and rock.