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Dry skin: treatments and causes

THE dry skin It is common and usually not a serious problem, it is characterized by an inadequate amount of water in the epidermis the outermost layer of the skin.

Men and women are equally affected by the symptoms, but older people are more likely to have dry skin. oily skin and natural lubricants decrease with age.

Generally, the areas where the skin is drier are:

Hand, arms, calf, elbow, factors such as air humidity, use of hot water in the bathtub, and high or extremely low temperatures can interfere with the skin's natural hydration.


Most dry skin diseases are related to where the person lives and their daily activities, such as:

The climate is usually due to dryness of the skin during the winter when humidity levels and temperatures fall.

But as the temperature rises, so does the desert areas, but the humidity is still very low.

Humidity can usually be reduced in hot places (such as fireplaces, wood stoves, central or electric heaters).

A long bath and hot water will also contribute, and those who practice swimming will also do the same, because in addition to spending a long time in the water, swimming pools usually contain chlorine.

Use harsh soap, deodorant and antibacterial agents and detergent Continuous exposure to air conditioning Some shampoos can also cause dry scalp.

Exposure to the sun also dries out and ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, producing deep wrinkles and sagging.

However, in addition to these conditions, the following health conditions can also cause dry skin:

Aging, Dermatitis (eczema) psoriasis, Irritating skin, Diuretics and other drugs Metabolic changes ,Hormonal factors such as menopause, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Risk factors

Everyone can develop dry skin at some point, but who is more prone to this symptom: Over 40 years Living in a dry, cold, hot and/or low humidity location.

Suitable for things that require a lot of time in water, like hairdressers Regular water sports in the chlorine pool.

Dry Skin Symptoms

Although dry skin is a symptom or condition due to other health or lifestyle issues, it can produce the following symptoms associates.

Skin looks hard, especially after bathing or swimming Itching Mild, moderate or severe skin peeling and cracking Fine lines or “cracks” Redness Deep cracks that may run.

Dry Skin Treatment

For more serious problems like dermatitis, psoriasis, etc., dermatologists may recommend special creams and sometimes formulas.

Seeking medical help

Another possibility is that he recommends products according to your needs to reduce the discomfort of dry skin. If yes, consult a doctor:

Despite all efforts and efforts to do so, the skin hasn't gotten better yet, the dry skin with redness Dryness and itchiness can affect the quality of sleep If you “poked” the skin and caused a wound, infection or scar.

In the medical appointment

A general practitioner can provide some information about dry skin, but will likely instruct the dermatologist to follow up.

Taking some information and questions to the doctor can help with consultation, accurate diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor may ask: What are your daily habits?

After all, besides dry skin, you have other symptoms, are the symptoms continuous or sporadic, is there anything that can improve your skin? what? What makes it worse?

What drugs are you currently using or recently stopped taking? How often do you come into contact with water? what soap and shampoo you use?

Are you taking a hot shower? Do you use moisturizers? which? How often?

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