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DHT Blocker: What is it and how to use it?

Today we are going to talk about using dht blockers.

Hair loss is one of the aesthetic and health problems that most often cause despair, both in men and women. Because it happens for different causes, hair loss for a long time was an unknown for scientists. However, a few years ago, it was discovered that one of the main causes of this problem is the so-called dihydrotestosterone, or as it is better known: DHT. But luckily, this androgen hormone, can be stopped with the use of some medicine, or food, that serves as a dht blocker. 

But here between us, the problem of hair loss does not only happen because of this hormone, but also the lack of essential vitamins, for the hair bulb to develop, and the hairs to be born strong and healthy. To help you when consuming these very important nutrients, we recommend the multivitamin action of BeautVip Hair capsules, which are becoming increasingly used by divas in our country.  

dht blockers: 

Let's show you now, how dht blockers work in the human body.

Have you ever heard of androgenetic alopecia? Not? Well, know that it is a type of baldness, which affects both women and men, and is directly caused by hormonal disorders, including the hormone dihydrotestosterone.  

This hormone, as its name suggests, is present in greater amounts in the body of people with male genital tract. However, it is present in women's bodies, even if only in a minimal amount. However, as soon as this amount changes in some way, the problem mentioned above, the much dreaded baldness, occurs. 

In men, this hormone has its importance, as it is responsible for the growth of facial hair, pubic and for the rest of the body. The voice is also altered from a certain age (time of puberty), thanks to dht. But on the other hand, its alteration within the body is also capable of causing baldness, or even other more serious problems.  

Before we talk about dht blockers, we need to talk about how this androgen hormone alters capillary structure and function. Well, let's do a creative exercise so you can understand how dihydrotestosterone works in the hair bulb. Think of the bulb as a big factory, in which the production of hair strands does not stop, as it works 24 hours a day. However, some kind of agent, enters this factory, and removes some machinery without any prior notice.  

This machinery, are the cells that help in the production of hair strands, and if they are not present in the bulb, the strand production will drop every day, until the strands become so thin and weak, which does not have enough strength even to hold the root firm. This process is called miniaturization, and it lasts until the scalp becomes an infertile place for hair production.  

Discovering the function of the dht blocker is not a very difficult task, since as its name suggests, it inhibits the action and accelerated appearance of this hormone within the body, making the hairs grow healthy again. Let's show you now, how you can make use of a dht blocker.  

dht blocker: 

Now you will know about drugs that are able to block DHT in the human body.


This dht blocker is capable of showing positive results from the 3rd month of consumption. Its tablet version is one of the best dht blockers available on the market, as it makes the hair grow back normally, even if at a different time for each person.  

Women (provided they are not pregnant) can use this dht blocker, but extra attention is needed, as the amount is different from that of men. For both men and women, it is necessary to undergo a medical evaluation, before undergoing the use of this medication, or any other of the dht blockers.  


Despite being less used than Finasteida, this dht blocker has an effectiveness of up to 90% in reducing hair loss, and a superior increase in the production of new hairs.  

In females, a scientist found that the substances in this drug continued to be present up to 6 months after discontinuation of use. Therefore, for those who intend to be mothers, doctors recommend that they only do it after 6 months of the last dose of dutasteride. But as stated above, only use any of the dht blockers, after the recommendation of a specialist, as it is a hormone control drug! 

The increase in dihydrotestosterone is directly linked to diet and the use of certain products and medications. Therefore, it is extremely important to review your eating habits, and avoid self-medication, and combine all these practices with the correct consumption of vitamins and minerals. We sincerely hope that this content about dht blocker may have helped to solve the problem of hair loss.   

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