Dark blond hair: how to obtain and how to maintain color

If there's something that will never go out of style, it's blonde hair, especially the ones dyed in a darker tone. Full of charm, they tend to attract eyes wherever they go, and are not that difficult to reach when dyeing. However, they still require some special care, so we'll bring you some tips on how you can make your hair dark blond, and how to keep it after dyeing.

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How to get dark blond hair?

Dark blond hair tone is one of the easiest to obtain. However, many women still have doubts about the bleaching and dyeing process. That's why today we will resolve these doubts.

Well, before you use any kind of dye on your hair, you need to take the capsule of BeautyVip Hair first, so that your hair will be ready to receive any type of chemical procedure. With dark blond hair, the coloring aspect should be natural, and therefore, before going through the procedure, look for exactly the tone you want in your hair.

After choosing the desired color, you will have to start the process of discoloration, which if not done correctly, can result in several damages to the wires. Yes, there is the process of homemade bleaching, however follow all the steps to the letter so that the results come out as expected.

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A special tip for the brunettes on duty, who want dark blonde hair, is to be cool when bleaching and dyeing your hair. The ideal is to test the hair tones little by little, until you find the ideal one, not starting a more aggressive process that can damage the hair.

Another very important tip is to first hydrate or hair reconstruction, so that your hair is strong and healthy before the entire process of bleaching and dyeing.

Dark blonde is one of the simplest shades to achieve, so discoloration is often not necessary. Dark blonde hair is somewhere between light brown and light blonde, but it is still necessary for you to discover the natural tone of your hair, to know whether or not you will need to go through the bleaching and dyeing process.

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If you've had darker hair, just follow our step-by-step instructions. But remember that the ideal is to do this procedure in the hands of a trained professional, for best results.

1st step: Just apply a coloring number 6 with hydrogen peroxide 30 volumes in length at the ends of the hair.

2nd step: After 20 minutes of the first application, just make the same mix but now with 20 volumes of hydrogen peroxide, and apply it to the hair root for a period of 15 minutes.

3rd step: After 35 minutes from the beginning of the whole process, just mix all the coloring mass we made, apply it under the hair, massage well for a minute and then wash normally.

Do not forget to make a hydration after this process, as this way the hair can restore some of the damage that hydrogen peroxide and ink provide on the threads.

How to keep dark blond hair:

A dark blonde requires some special care so that it doesn't fade too quickly.

If you already have natural dark blonde hair, you can bet on light streaks without any fear, as your face will become lighter, bringing much more personality to you. In some hair it is possible to make the streaks light without using bleach, and this is very beneficial for the hair.

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For those who have dyed their hair, know that it will be necessary to touch up the hair dye every 30 days, because after this period the color will be less shiny, and the root will fade little by little. Bathing in the sea or swimming pool can also lead to fading, so avoid it in the first month after the procedure.

If your hair starts to turn yellow, use a tinting shampoo so the dark color doesn't fade. Also try to use specific products for blonde hair, so that the color does not start to go downhill after a short period of time. The use of gentian violet or other similar product is not recommended as the hair can end up being damaged.

Those were our tips regarding dark blond hair. Remember to always keep your hair healthy before doing any type of procedure, otherwise your hair may be damaged