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Dandruff and Hair Loss: Causes and Remedies

Problems related to dandruff and hair loss are much more common than you might think, if you don't, at least you know someone who has either problem. And today we are going to find out everything related to this topic: its causes, solutions and give tips on how to take care of it.

The appearance of small pieces of something that looks like skin in the hair or on the shoulders of the jacket is one of the main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. It can appear at any age on anyone.

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What causes dandruff and hair loss?

What causes dandruff and hair loss is often related to our habits. Dandruff is a type of seborrheic dermatitis that occurs due to an inflammation of the scalp, causing the skin to peel off the scalp. It can appear accompanied by itchy head, small bruises and reddish spots. In some cases it may not be cured, but it can be treated.

Dandruff can arise due to several factors: very hot water in the hair during the shower, application of chemical products to the beauty that irritates and causes scaling of the scalp, sebaceous glands that swell due to bacteria that swells and produces a lot of oil, stress, factors genetics, post childbirth proliferation of fungi.

Hair loss, scientifically known as alopecia, just as dandruff can have factors related to genetic problems, stress, emotional factors, nutritional factors, very restrictive diets, hormonal changes, etc. And there is the natural factor, which is the beginning and end of the hair growth cycle , since we lose about 100 to 200 hairs a day on average.

Alopecia can affect both men and women, at any age. When dandruff and hair loss occur simultaneously. What causes dandruff and hair loss is often related to an excessive inflammation of the follicles that start to produce a lot of oil, causing an inflammatory process that can cause hair loss in the region affected by the infection.

Lack of hair hygiene can result in a favorable environment, with moisture, excess oil for fungi and bacteria to grow, infect follicles and skin, irritate the skin and cause flaking and inflammation in various points of the head and for end the fall of the wires.

 What is good for dandruff and hair loss are simple attitudes and care. The first tip is to always seek help from a dermatologist, as you can even do the basic treatment at home, but only a professional will know how to tell you the best solution for your hair problems.

But basic care can be followed, as seborrheic dandruff can have its effects minimized, initially with good hair hygiene, maintaining a care routine using shampoos that treat dandruff, or deep cleaning of the scalp.

Because dandruff and hair loss when they arise due to lack of hygiene, just a change of habits can help to solve or minimize the problems.

Hair care tips:

– Using shampoo with activated charcoal in its form helps in deep cleaning of the hair scalp and prevents problems related to fungi and bacteria;

– Using essential oils such as tea tree oil, added to your shampoo, acts on healing and has an action that kills fungi and bacteria and also helps to keep the hair healthy, helping to prevent and treat the causes of dandruff and hair loss;

– Avoid using very hot water on your hair, so as not to cause it to peel and stimulate excessive production of fat, which can often cause dandruff and hair loss;

– When using anti-dandruff shampoo, let the product act on the scalp for 3 to 5 minutes,

– Avoid very restrictive diets for long periods of time, if you are on a very restrictive diet supplement using products that strengthen the hair leaving it stronger and more resistant, so a good idea is to use the BeautyVip Hair that will help in the process of growth and strengthening of your hair.

– Avoid sleeping with wet hair;

– Avoid wearing a cap with wet hair;

– Avoid trapping hair that is still damp;

– Avoid using mask and conditioner at the hairline, passing only the length of the hair;

– wash your hair more often, trying to clean and massage the scalp well;

– Seek to avoid stressful situations;

– Take care of your emotional life and mental health, if necessary seeking help from a mental health professional

– Consume complex foods such as vitamin B5;

 Thus, we can see that what causes dandruff and hair loss is often more related to our behavior in relation to our hair care. Having good habits, a hair care and hygiene routine are important factors to treat and avoid problems related to dandruff and hair loss.

It is always good to remember that what is good for dandruff and hair loss for a person may not solve their problems, since these conditions have several causes, and knowing the cause of the problem is extremely important to reach. to a solution.

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