Female surfer cut: get to know this cut that is the face of summer

Nowadays, many women are looking to get out of the pattern of hair that is always tidy and straight, and are increasingly betting on a little more daring haircut options. One of those that has been increasingly popular is the female surfer cut, which guarantees a bolder look for any woman.    

Female surfer cut: 

The female surfer cut ensures a cool look for any woman. So for those of you who want to adopt this female surfer hairstyle, let's give you some tips, and also talk about the characteristics of this cut.

Before we approach the cut itself, we need you to take some precautions before putting the scissors into action. One of the best tips we can give you is the use of BeautyVip Hair, which helps your hair, skin and nails get all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay strong and healthy. Before cutting your hair, it is necessary that they are prepared so that they do not suffer or become damaged.  

Remember to keep your hair hydrated at all times, and care for it the right way. make use of vegetable oils, and homemade recipes whenever possible, and combine all of this with a healthier lifestyle, so that your locks can be transformed without suffering damage by it.  

Well, now that you know the right way to keep your hair safe before the cut, let's head straight for the female surfer cut. This style is based on the hair of surfers, who are known for being more alternative and cool people. The female surfer cut is known to be integrated with blonde hair, because in case you didn't know, some hairs tend to get this color if they are exposed to the sun's rays for a long time. 

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This very beachy look, was a success a few years ago, but was very adopted by men, who wanted to adopt a more daring look, but still following the fashion of the time. One of the main characteristics of the female surfer's hair, is the look a little more “wider” of the strands, because the ends are disconnected and the strands are messier. Women with the most rebellious hair will love this cut, as it is ideal for this type of hair.  

What type of strand is best suited to female surfer hair?

Let's talk now about which hairstyles best match the female surfer cut.

The female surfer cut is the main ally of the woman in curly hair, as it is in the waving of his threads that he shows who he really came to. Straight-haired women can use it without fear, although it may not show so much rebellion, in the finer and more disciplined strands. Now, for women with curly hair, who want to adopt this style, perhaps the ideal is to relax in the strands, as the tighter waving of the curly hair doesn't allow this female surfer cut to show itself. 

Despite having its heyday a few years ago, the women's surfer cut hasn't gone out of style, and it could be a sure bet for you. The ideal is to unite it in a large fringe and peck it a lot, until it looks very disconnected from the rest of the hair. The ends should also be pegged, to ensure a more laid-back look.  

To guarantee the natural coloring effect of the sun, it is ideal that you bet on Californian lights. Many women have doubts if brunette lights match, and the answer is yes! They combine, although the Californian highlights guarantee a better result in women with a slightly lighter skin tone.  

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Another very valid tip before making a female surfer cut is to ensure that the hair has a hair length of at least 4 fingers, and that the strands have been cut in layers. If you have very straight hair, and want to guarantee the result that only curly hair can achieve, just use our old friend babyliss, and he will solve your problem for sure. 

Another tip for the owners of beautiful straight hair is the use of products that guarantee the effect of beach hair (beach hair). These products guarantee a curling effect on the hair, with their fixing action. But it's good not to overuse it, so you don't end up with damage to the wires.  

Care Tips for Female Surfer Hair:

For those of you who want to have a female surfer hairstyle, we will give you some care tips, for before and after cutting, bleaching and coloring.

For those who are not natural blondes, it will be necessary to bleach the strands, to have a female surfer hair, right? Well, dyeing dark or colored hair can only be done after bleaching. This process is very harmful to the hair, and therefore it needs to be done very carefully. The ideal is to bet on a hair fortification, before having a female surfer's hair.

So, we're going to give you some tips, for you who want to have a female surfer's hair. Then you can get the notepad, which we'll help you prepare your hair for a brand new color.

Hydration before the female surfer haircut:

Many women think that hydration is only needed after dyeing. However, doing this process at least 1 week before dyeing the locks is the best way to avoid excessive damage to the hair fiber. Before your female surfer haircut, you can bet on a homemade moisturizer, such as moisturizing with coffee, or shea butter.

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The use of vegetable oil is also highly recommended, before making a female surfer haircut, as they are able to deeply nourish and moisturize the hair, leaving them prepared to receive the discoloration and coloring chemicals.

A female surfer hairstyle, while usually looking messier, can't be full of frizz and split ends. Therefore, you must redouble your attention regarding steps such as hair nutrition and hydration, before and after doing your female surfer haircut.

Hair evaluation before doing female surfer hairstyle:

It's also important to assess the condition of your hair, because if it's weak and brittle, it could be that the strands will fall out, and your female surfer haircut will go downhill from there. Therefore, the ideal is to go to a beauty salon, and ask a professional trained in the field to do a hair evaluation. If you're determined to get your female surfer haircut at home, don't be afraid and ask for some tips to do it at home.

If you wish, you can do a homemade porosity test on your hair, before betting on a female surfer hairstyle. On the internet there are several tutorials, which will serve not only to make you more confident when making a female surfer haircut, but also when doing any type of hair transformation.

Now for curly and wavy hair, the ideal is to wear your surfer's hair very loose, without the use of fixing products. Well, that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed all our content regarding this super awesome cut.