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Hair curls: learn more about the subject

Today you will discover the different types of curvatures that exist.

Today we're going to show you the variety of hair curls that exist, along with their similarities and differences, as well as some fun facts about the topic. A curiosity about hair curls is that many people have one or more types of curls. Most people don't even think and know that this can happen, but this is more normal than you can imagine.

Knowing more about hair curls, in addition to letting you know how to identify yourself, will also help you to take proper care of your hair. Want to learn more about the subject? So just continue with this article!

99.9% of people have one or more types of curls in their hair and only a small minority have only one type. This percentage increases when the hair is curly or frizzy, as it can present strands with various textures. If you never had the curiosity to know what is the main type of your hair, let us know that we will help you with this. You will also discover the treatments needed to care for your hair.

It's the BeautyVip Hair can help you keep your curls healthy. With its proven effectiveness it helps in growth and strengthening, in addition to bringing even more life to your locks.

Types of Hair Curls

Starting with straight hair, or also called type 1 on the hair chart. They are divided into three groups: A, B and C, ranging from the smoothest to the least smooth. Type 2 has wavy hair as a reference, following an order from 2A to 2C.

The 2A is the hair with the smoothest root. Hair type 2B, on the other hand, has waves with a low volume, and finally the 3C, having a greater volume at the root and with more open curls.

We arrived at the healthiest hair organically. Hair types 3ABC and 4ABC. But with that, greater care is needed in the replacement of vitamins, so that the appearance remains healthy. It is necessary and essential to know your hair, keep in mind and respect its type of curvature to make proper and adequate hydration, aiming at its health.

Many people think that curly and frizzy hair are the same thing, but they are not. Each one has a characteristic and, as a consequence, each one requires a certain kind of care.

Type 3ABC hair is curly hair, with greater volume and more defined curls. You curly hair and frizzy are the most dry and most in need of treatment. And let's not forget the lack of vitamins and nutrients, this detail does not make them less important compared to the others in the table.

Going back to the 3ABC type explanation, we'll explain it one by one. The 3C starts by being the most voluminous, with a lot of frizz and super defined, reminding a little of the A4 hair type, which we will explain in a moment. The 3B differs from the others by having more defined curls and a greater volume at the hairline. No less important than the others, lastly, 3A. It is smoother at the root compared to the others and is distinguished by having more open curls.

The necessary treatment, aiming at the best care and the best health for your hair of this type is the nutrition done weekly. We cannot forget about hydration, which is very important in this type of hair, as it is the main combatant of opacity and excess frizz.

Last but not least, we have the 4ABC hair type, that is, the frizzy hair, which because of its tighter curls compared to the previous ones. They are the driest on the table, this is because the nutrients cannot reach the ends of the hair.

The three types are dried, but they have differences between them, which are as follows: the 4A has the spiral and small curls. The 4B has a lot of frizz and the curls are even smaller. Lastly, we have the 4C, which by the way is the most dry and frizzy and with tiny curls. Thus, it is the most in need of treatment due to the lack of nutrients.

The necessary treatment and care is not far from the usual, vegetable oil is used, both in nourishing masks and in capillary moisturizing. This type of treatment should be done weekly, prioritizing hair health, with 4C being the most needed in the hair curvature table.

Curvatures in the capillary transition

Now we will explain the variety of hair curvatures in hair transition. This transition basically consists of decreasing the chemical present in the hair, aiming at the best possible health of the hair and eliminating the chemicals. this causes the hair to “breathe” again.

A common occurrence of the hair transition is the appearance of several different hair bends during the process, this is due to the presence of chemical residues that are still in the hair. During the process of hair transition, the presence of Scab Hair is normal, which basically consists of natural threads, but which still show damage due to chemical residues.

It is of total importance the frequent presence of treatments and hydration during the transition process and acceptance of curly hair, aiming at strengthening and restoring damage to the hair fiber. After the hair transition, natural hair finally predominates, but this does not eliminate the possibility of the presence of various types of existing hair curvature.

With this, be aware of the predominant type of hair existing, aiming at the necessary care, but never forget that the other types are also important and fundamental in the health of your hair.

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