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Cotton Oil: Hair and Skin Health Benefits

Discover the properties of cottonseed oil and find out how they will benefit you

You probably already know how healthy vegetable oils are and how beneficial they are to our hair and skin. Just the fact that these oils have no chemicals makes us think they are actually healthier, but do you know their various properties? Today we are going to talk about cottonseed oil and what it can provide for our health and for our hair and skin, as well as health.

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Cotton Oil - Health

Cotton oil has numerous benefits for our health; both capillary and for our skin. Want to know more about these benefits? So just continue with this article!

Cotton oil is rich in nutrients and vitamins and water as an antioxidant when present in the body. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and also helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It is an excellent substitute for common cooking oils.

Cotton oil is extracted from the seeds and has great health benefits, such as preventing diseases such as cancer and infections because it is an antioxidant; preventing the formation of atheromatous plaques by helping to improve good cholesterol; Reduces inflammation in the body by counting Omega 3; Prevents cardiovascular disease as it helps control cholesterol; strengthens the immune system as it is rich in vitamin E.

It can be used in the kitchen and is preferable in sauteed or baked recipes such as breads, cakes and sauces. That's because cottonseed oil has a very strong taste and can change the flavor of the dish when used in raw food preparation.

It is necessary to pay attention to the amount, as cottonseed oil is stronger than the others, so it should be used in smaller amounts. About two tablespoons of cottonseed oil for one person a day is enough. Alternate with the use of other vegetable oils.

In addition to the health benefits, cottonseed oil is a versatile cooking partner and can be used in different recipes. It also adds commercial advantages to the dishes, for being highly vitaminized and for having a yield and thermal resistance. And to improve, the food is drier and crunchy.

Cotton oil for the skin

Cotton oil has hydrating and extremely nourishing properties that penetrate deeply into the skin, for this reason, it brings great benefits to the skin, giving it more firmness, improving the skin's elasticity and luminosity. That way, the skin looks younger and will be healthier. It will also provide a more velvety, hydrated and soft skin, providing comfort and regeneration. It is recommended to use after bathing or in massages.

cotton hair oil

Cotton oil can be used to enhance your hydration and, in this way, obtain healthier, more nourished and silky hair!

When used on hair, cottonseed oil combats dryness, restoring hair shine and luster. It reduces frizz, as it has ceramides in its composition, the lipid responsible for closing the hair cuticles. Deep cleans the hair, as it is able to retain water, thus removing accumulated residues on the scalp.

It is perfect for use in wetting, as it is a powerful emollient and moisturizes the tresses. It can be included in the capillary schedule, in the nutrition stage. Products that rely on the presence of cottonseed oil in the formula are very powerful and give great results.

To use, you will put a few drops of oil in your hand and spread it all over your hair, without reaching the root. Leave to act for 30 minutes, without sunbathing and then wash as usual. If preferred, use in moisturizing cream, moisturizing steps or hair schedule as mentioned above.

About the products

Take into account the benefits mentioned to choose your product according to your needs. Shampoos with cotton oil should promote a deeper and more quality cleaning, as it will remove only those residues that interfere with the hair.

The conditioner needs to close the cuticles while nourishing the hair. Fighting dryness and protecting locks. Just as the moisturizer must be responsible for deeply hydrating and nourishing the hair, returning the lost vitamins. Still worry about lipid replacement. Search for specific products for your hair type and research the quality. Also, test the products on your hair and if it doesn't work, don't insist.

Please note

All the oil that is applied to the hair, should be in minimal amounts, taking into account that they are denser products, therefore, difficult to remove. If removal is difficult, use a sulphate shampoo. If not washed properly, the strands can become heavy. Another thing to remember is that, after using oils on your hair, you should not use thermal appliances as this will damage your locks. Also remember to wear a heat shield.

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