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Closed carnations: What are they? How to treat them?

Today we are going to talk all about closed blackheads, and also how to avoid them.

Probably you have already been stressed with some kind of pimple or blackhead present on your face, and soon after that, you must have gone looking for how to remove them, since nobody wants to have these sores on your face. Because of this, we will show you today what comedones, better known as blackheads, are all about, the differences between the white and black carnations, which in this case are the closed and open blackheads respectively, and also how to treat and remove these unwanted bruises present on our face and body. 

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Blackheads or comedones: what are they?

Let's explain to you in a simple way, what are the closed blackheads or comedones.

What are blackheads or comedones? They are lesions caused on our face by acne, more specifically in the chin, nose to forehead, not forgetting the areas with more oiliness in our body, such as the back, shoulders and lap. As much as everyone knows visibly what comedones are, most still have some doubts about them, such as, how do blackheads appear? What are closed blackheads? What is the difference between a white carnation and a black carnation and much more. 

What are blackheads? Starting with the definition of blackheads, they are nothing less than lesions caused by acne and end up appearing with the increase in sebum production and causing a change in its quality, causing damage to the pores and getting thicker. 

Carnations can be divided into two types, closed or white carnations and open or black carnations. There are differences between them exactly because of their definition, because they are open or closed. 

Difference between open and closed blackheads:

Open or black carnations have this darker color because of the oxidation made inside the open pores, this oxidation happens with the contact of the cells, keratin and sebum with the air. Another factor that increases the contribution to this darker tone is air pollution, as well as other impurities. 

Closed or white blackheads, on the other hand, have this classification due to the simple fact that the blackhead is covered over the pore. They are present in the most sebaceous regions, such as the trunk and face and are very small balls with a whitish color. 

But what about pimples? Can they also be classified as comedones? This doubt is quite constant among people, as blackheads and pimples go hand in hand, but the answer is no, as much as they look alike and are caused by acne, pimples are not considered comedones. 

Once you know the types of comedones and what they are, you may need to know how the treatment is done, pay attention, as there are treatments for each type of comedone. 

There are some habits that, if implemented in our daily lives, can help in the treatment against foodstuffs, such as the use of proper soaps, dermocosmetic sunscreens and seborregulators with salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Another mega fundamental solution is the skin treatment with a dermatologist and if done frequently can result in greater effectiveness in solving the problem.  

This treatment helps to remove all the accumulated impurities present in our face, these impurities arise because of air pollution, makeup remains and dust from our daily lives.

How to do a skin care routine to avoid blackheads? 

As a regimented skin care routine is the best way to avoid the appearance of blackheads and other ailments, we will teach you a great skin care routine.

We will now teach you how to make a skincare for closed or open blackheads and also against oily skin. Pay close attention, as this is a skincare routine aimed at improving your skin's health, but it needs to be done frequently. 

First you need to wash your face with a cleansing gel that removes all the oils and impurities from your face, but remember, without harming your skin. Once that's done, you need to use the aid of a tonic to close the pores and finish cleaning.  

The third step consists of the use of the hydrating serum, with it it will be possible to control the production of sebum throughout the process and throughout the day. The fourth and last step will be the completion of skincare, apply some sunscreen with a matte effect and a dry touch. 

After completing the process, remember that it is essential to clean your face every day before bed with the cleansing gel used in the first step. This is the best way to prevent the appearance of closed or open blackheads.

Once you have done this, your skin will be healthy and very well cared for, make sure you pay close attention to the explanation about the closed and open blackheads and in every detail, once that is done, you will surely be surprised by the result and you will get rid of problems with closed and open blackheads. 

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