Chicken feet on the face: See how they arise and how to treat them

Wrinkles are the nightmare of most women. These expression marks, usually appear when we reach a certain age, and are a sign of the body, for the lack of collagen, and some other little problems. Wrinkles around the eyes, better known as crow's feet, are the most common of these marks, but still, they are a major annoyance for thousands of women. With that in mind, we brought this article to help you discover the causes of this problem, and also how to treat it.  

How do crow's feet arise? 

What can cause expression marks like crow's feet?

Wrinkles or expression lines will appear sooner or later on any woman's face. However, its causes and time of onset may vary from woman to woman. As well as its causes, its solutions are also quite varied, but we can still help you choose one of the best ones. When it comes to improving the skin, and reducing the natural signs of the skin, such as expression lines, thousands of women already think about the Divas vitamin: a BeautVip. 

This capsule, in addition to helping women who want to accelerate hair growth, is also capable of bringing a more youthful and beautiful appearance to the skin, not only on the face, but also on the rest of the body. Because it has natural actives in its formula, this vitamin capsule is able to stimulate the skin, making it become shiny, and helping you to prevent expression marks from an early age.  

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But before you take any action, we will explain to you how crow's feet can appear on your face. Over time, the skin on the face gradually loses its natural rigidity and becomes more and more flaccid. The flaccid skin is a favorable environment for the appearance of lines and expression marks, which become a terror for the most vain women.  

Despite being a problem that starts to appear in people at a certain age, there are young people in their 25s, who are already beginning to feel the effects of expression lines. Surely, you have already heard that our facial expressions can stimulate the muscles and skin, causing it to lose its elasticity little by little. This statement is not incorrect as this has already been proven by scholars.  

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But did you know, that crow's feet can arise even due to factors linked to the DNA of each person? Well, our genes contain all the information necessary for us to be as we are. The fact is that some people already have a predisposition for the appearance of expression lines, due to the genes of their families.  

People with a lower rate of melanin (lighter people) tend to suffer from the problem of expression lines earlier, or even more visibly. If you smoke consistently, be aware that you are on the list of people who may suffer from early expression lines.  

How to avoid crow's feet on the skin? 

There are some treatments that, if done by those who understand the subject, can drastically reduce expression lines, such as crow's feet for example.

Common practices of our day to day, like a good hydration or face wash with the right products can prevent the appearance of fine lines. You, who adopt a routine of skin care daily, know that you are every day, preventing these lines from lingering, or even appearing more subtly on the skin of your face.  

Other precautions, such as the use of sunscreen (even on days when the sun does not show), are essential for you to avoid the appearance of the dreaded crow's feet. The consumption of products with collagen, like the crow's feet (ironic isn't it?), can help your skin to ensure more elasticity over the years.  

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But for you, who already suffer from this problem, know that there are several treatments on the market that can combat it or at least reduce it. Below, we will show you the most used by women: 

  • Chemical Peeling: 

Although this treatment does not eradicate existing lines, it is able to prevent the appearance of new lines. 

  • Botulinum toxin: 

This treatment is already the darling of women who want to reduce the signs of expression lines. Muscle contraction in the region is paralyzed, preventing the appearance of crow's feet and other signs, in addition to leaving the existing marks smoother. 

  • Microdermabrasion: 

Another treatment widely used by women, this one is capable of eliminating the dead cells that are in the region of application, causing the blood circulation to be increased, promoting a smoothing of existing marks, and the prevention of new marks. 

I hope you enjoyed all of our content about crow's feet and other expressions. Remember to always look for an experienced professional in the field, when making any kind of diagnosis or treatment.