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Women's Short Hair Care

Women's Short Hair Care

Women's Short Hair Care

Falaremos hoje sobre os cabelos curtos femininos, e quais são os cuidados necessários que as mulheres devem ter.

Cabelos curtos femininos

Cabelos curtos femininos com certeza, é a principal tendência nos dias de hoje, pois além de bem elegantes, são bem fáceis de cuidar.

It is the ideal choice for women who want to be a little daring without giving up their beauty.

Short hair it's more practical, but it's wrong to think you'll ignore the necessary care.

If you know exactly what to do, it's not complicated to keep your hair short.

Se você ainda tiver dúvidas, aprenda agora como cuidar dos cortes de cabelos curtos femininos.

Abaixo você verá como escolher o corte perfeito.

Como escolher o corte perfeito

Vamos aprender então aprender então a como escolher o corte perfeito.

Assim, para cada formato de rosto, existe também, um penteado mais adequado.

People with rounded faces should prefer straight incisions.

Se o rosto for mais fino, a ponta assimétrica dará uma aparência bem moderna.

So for wide faces, bet on the front of the longest hair.

For women with straight faces.

But the ideal choice is to cut in layers to add more volume to the top of the head.

Before threading the scissors and cutting.

So check the proportions in relation to the female body.

Before choosing a haircut, you should also consider your hair type.

If the goal is to control the volume, don't exceed the required range.

Straight hair is perfect for the shorter cut.

Thinner threads need to be recut to gain more volume.

Depois de aprender a como escolher o corte perfeito, vamos nos aprofundar nos cuidados diários em relação aos cabelos curtos femininos.

Cuidados diários

Vamos ver então a seguir, algumas informações adicionais sobre os cuidados diários com os cabelos curtos femininos.

Short hair needs to be trimmed frequently.

The thread growth becomes more evident and the cut loses its characteristics.

Therefore, people with short hair should go to the salon more often.

Due to the greater distance between the length of the strands, the hair tends to become oily.

But there's no reason to give up cutting your tresses.

With proper care, oily hair will have no problems with treatments.

Even if hair oils increase, short hair does not lose its moisturizing effect.

Treatment masks must be at least 15 days apart.

Deve – se ter cuidado com a química nos cabelos curtos femininos.

Química nos cabelos curtos femininos

Atenção para a química nos cabelos curtos femininos.

Pois além de cortar, muitas mulheres também querem mudar a cor dos fios.

However, care must be taken not to damage the hair.

Short hair tends to be more sensitive.

Therefore, it is recommended to use only one chemical procedure at a time.

It can be tempting to dye the hair strands immediately after straightening.

But when you abuse the chemistry, you run the risk of overloading your tresses.

Among other things, this can darken and cause loss of hair.

That's because short hair is easier to break and damage.

Another consideration is product application.

Therefore, chemical contact with the scalp can cause burns and peeling.

Por isso, cuidado sempre com a química nos cabelos curtos femininos.

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