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Hair reconstruction mask: learn how to do it at home

Today we will teach you some hair reconstruction mask recipes.

In our daily routine, often, hair care ends up being somewhat neglected. However, as much as you follow your hair schedule, your locks will still need what we call a hair reconstruction mask. And to help you, we will teach you some homemade recipes, so you can save some copper, and also avoid using industrialized 100% products.  

But just as hair needs rebuilding, vitamins and minerals are also very necessary. And to help you consume these nutrients, there's nothing better than using BeautyVip Hair, or as it is better known, the vitamin of the marvelous and the divas. You were curious, didn't you? So just know the various and various benefits that this super vitamin complex can provide.  

Why use a hair reconstruction mask? 

Many women are not aware of the benefits of having a hair reconstruction.

Our hair inevitably loses a little of its strength with each passing day, especially when we submit it to chemical procedures, or heat application with a flat iron, blow dryer or curling iron. When our locks start to dry out and/or brittle, despair knocks at the door, and we don't quite know what to do.  

But fortunately this problem has a solution, and it is called: hair reconstruction mask, which we will teach you to make in a moment. But first it's good for you to know, that different from a deep hydration, or other treatments that reach to the core of the hair strands, the hair reconstruction is only able to reach the superficial layer of the hair.  

But even though it doesn't spread its benefits throughout the hair fiber, the hair reconstruction mask is able to restore vitality to hair, which was newly dyed, or that have undergone chemical changes. That's why it's a great outing, for you who want to postpone your trip to the beauty salon.  

If you were interested, and want to restore the strength lost by your hair, let's teach you now, our super hair reconstruction mask recipes, which can be made with super simple and inexpensive ingredients:  

How to make homemade hair reconstruction mask: 

Hair reconstruction mask with honey and milk: 

Milk and honey are not just good for breakfast! Know that these two ingredients are more than perfect for our homemade hair reconstruction mask. So let's go… try to separate there at your house: 

Now, just mix the two ingredients very well, before washing your hair, and apply it to the strands. After 30 minutes, rinse the locks with running water, wash with shampoo and finish with a conditioner.  

Hair reconstruction mask with egg: 

Another ingredient that cannot be left out of our recipes is the egg. So, take your notebook and write down the ingredients there: 

With the hair already washed with shampoo, you will beat the white until it is snowy, then you will apply the keratin to the hair. Finally, mix all the other ingredients in the white, then apply the mixture to the locks, waiting 15 minutes, to remove everything in the shower and finish with a conditioner.  

Capillary reconstruction mask with gelatin: 

Again, we will use culinary ingredients in our recipes. However, keep following our recipes that are guaranteed success: 

All you need to do is dissolve the gelatin powder well and apply it to shampooed hair, leaving it to act for at least 20 minutes. After that time, just finish it off with a good conditioner. 

Hair reconstruction mask with tapioca: 

Homemade and culinary ingredients, they are more than perfect to use on hair, as they do not have much of the harmful components that industrialized products have.

We know that with our hair reconstruction masks, it's almost possible to make a full breakfast. For this recipe, we will use the following ingredients: 

After washing your hair with shampoo, you will dilute the tapioca in water, and heat it until it turns into a kind of gel (don't let it harden too much). Then, just mix the rest of the ingredients in the warm mixture, and apply under the hair separated in strands. After 20 minutes, remove the mixture from the locks with water, and finish with our good old conditioner. 

We hope you enjoyed our content today. To the next! 

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