Capillary Mass Replacement: what is it? How to make

In today's article, you will learn how to replace hair mass, if you are looking for this information quickly, know that we are here to contribute to all the guaranteed knowledge...

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The procedure of hair mass replacement is recommended only for those who like to use chemical treatments to treat the locks.

The treatment in question, serves to bring back hair health, which suffered for some reason, deep damage, and which consequently need a repair, to remain healthy.

But it can also be used, for those who already have healthy hair, because, a little more strength in the hair, it's not too much, right???

Even with many beauty professionals recommending the procedure in question, many are still unaware of how to replace hair mass.

So we decided that today we are going to help you with that.

We'll reveal every step of your new favorite treatment, so stay with us to find out.


It is very common for people to associate hair mass replacement with a vitamin supplement.

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And speaking of a supplement, we are going to recommend one to you that will surely be delighted by the results it brings.

So we will recommend the vitamin supplement from BeautVip, which are perfect for your skin, nails and even prevent hair loss.

We also have a fat reducing gel, which also helps prevent cellulite.

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But if we stop to analyze it, it works almost that way.

The threads that had some damage, have their proteins and amino acids replaced, due to the replacement of the mass, in the same way as occurs with the reconstruction of hair.

It is very common for the threads to become thinner and thinner, after a hair discoloration, for example, due to chemical action.

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Then, restoring hair mass solves all these problems we present here, as it restores the hair from the inside out, and with this the porosity is fought, because the cuticles make the hair shinier, and the frizz less and less reduced and aligned .


A replacement cream should be used, so that the treatment can have better results.

The purpose of using creams to replace hair mass is to strengthen the tresses.

Therefore, pay attention to products that have the correct nutrients for your hair and that can fulfill the role of replenish hair mass.

Proteins and amino acids must be included in these products, so they must draw your attention when purchasing these products in the beauty market.

Therefore, as with other hair care products, it is essential to pay attention to the correct composition of the products, as this is the only way to achieve the best possible results.

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Then bet on deep treatment creams.

This way you will ensure that your strands will receive the correct dose of the correct vitamin components for your locks, not an amount too much or too little.


Many women who dye their hair very often, know very well, or have heard of the hair schedule, and know that it is practically the best strategy to maintain the necessary hair care.

So if your hair is constantly receiving a lot of chemistry, the capillary schedule treatment is recommended for you.

The replacement of hair mass can easily be part of this care routine.

So in this case, you will have to replace the hair mass, instead of the reconstruction.

Below you can follow a detailed outline that we put together of this daily care routine…

1st week: hydration – nutrition – replacement
2nd week: nutrition – hydration – nutrition

3rd week: hydration – nutrition – reconstruction
4th week: hydration – hydration – nutrition

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