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Hair cosmetology: what is it and what is its importance for hair health?

If you have sensitive hair and, because of that, cannot use any hair care product without first checking the label and knowing what ingredients have been added, you will certainly identify with hair cosmetology. Despite being somewhat neglected, this area is extremely important for some issues. Want to know more about this subject? So just continue with this article.

Have you ever heard about hair cosmetology and how this science is fundamental for the health of our hair? So check out everything in this article!

Sensitive hair generally cannot use any hair care products. Therefore, to obtain healthier and more beautiful strands, we recommend using BeautyVip Hair. After all, due to its composition, it guarantees the replacement of essential nutrients for good capillary functioning. In this way, hair that is shiny, hydrated, nourished, resistant and has much more volume is achieved.

However, even using this vitamin supplement, some daily care cannot be left out. So, if you have sensitive hair and need to take certain precautions before using any product, it might be interesting to know a little more about hair cosmetology, which is our topic today.

What is hair cosmetology?

Cosmetology is an area of study in pharmaceutical science, chemistry and biochemistry. In short, it is dedicated to research, development, elaboration, commercialization and application of cosmetic products.

Thus, taking it to the context of today's subject, hair cosmetology is an area that aims to study the development of products for our hair. It is the area responsible for developing products that are efficient to treat certain hair problems or issues.

For example, if you suffer from dandruff, and uses a product to treat this problem, it must have gone through a specialist in hair cosmetology who developed and approved a certain product for commercialization.

What is the importance of hair cosmetology?

Hair cosmetology is responsible for listing which actives are the most suitable for the treatment of certain hair problems. In this way, it develops products with the best formulations with the sole objective of making the treatment more effective and safer.

Hair cosmetology is essential to treat both the simplest problems, such as dandruff, and more serious hair issues, such as androgenetic alopecia. Professionals in this area are able to develop products that delay the action and development of problems that cause hair loss.

Thus, capillary cosmetology has a gigantic importance, since this is the area responsible for developing products that guarantee the health and good functioning of our hair.

How does the study of hair cosmetology impact our hair?

Due to its intense importance, capillary cosmetology directly impacts the hair strands. That's because she is at the forefront when it comes to the development of suitable products for each hair texture.

Surely you have already seen a product aimed at a certain hair texture. And have you ever wondered how and why such a cosmetic is aimed at a certain type of curvature?

Precisely because of the studies of capillary cosmetology! It is through this that you know which assets fit best with certain types of hair. And this subject is much broader than you might imagine.

Just as hair cosmetology can identify which active works for certain textures, it is also able to discern which ingredients solve the problem of oily or dry hair, for example.

Thus, hair cosmetology directly impacts the health and appearance of our hair, since it is primarily responsible for formulating the cosmetics that we will use on our heads.

Is hair cosmetology important for a hairdresser?

Both capillary cosmetology and tricology are considered important for hairdressers. And this happens because both areas deal with issues related to hair, which ends up leaving the hairdresser more prepared and in-depth on all subjects.

Hair cosmetology, at certain points, can be essential for a good professional in the area.

After all, it is through the study of these areas that the professional will better understand which assets to use to make locks, straightening, coloring etc., as well as which assets to use when restructuring the hair, for example.

Other than that, a hairdresser who understands this area is able to identify which proteins are the most suitable for straightened hair and, therefore, indicate which the best cosmetic will provide a more effective treatment.

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