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Let's say that most of the Brazilian female population has thin hair and little volume, so they are looking for cuts to make their hair voluminous, but this article will not serve this audience, but for those who have fuller hair and are looking for cuts for voluminous hair.

The small part of the female public that suffers with voluminous hair look for cuts to make the hair not look not full, so here we will give options of cuts for voluminous hair for those who suffer with this tension.

So let's start our tips:


Generally most women with voluminous hair have great doubts about the straight cut, due to the volume, but let's say for you that this is one of the best cuts to disguise the volume of hair when it is straight and thin, let's explain why what.

When you have voluminous hair, but smooth and thin, this is the most suitable cut, as the straight-line format will make the hair heavier and denser, thus causing a volume reduction effect, and you can even use it from the medium size and leave a fringe of charm.

For thick and wavy hair, this cut is no longer very favorable, as the voluminous wavy hair will make the weight lower at the root and continue with volume in the strands.

2. V-CUT

This type of cut can be mixed in several other ways besides the traditional one, but for voluminous and wavy hair, the best way to reduce this volume is the traditional one.

But for voluminous hair, but thinner and smoother, this can be done with a mix of other techniques that will be mentioned below.


Continuing the upper cut, in addition to being done in a split vo, it can also be done in other cut models, but it helps a lot with voluminous hair.

The parting helps by the simple facts of the distribution of the hairs completely during the cut, giving the impression of a decrease in hair volume, due to the irregularity of its cut.


As well as the pricked, the shredded follows the same measure for those who want a cut for voluminous hair.

What differs between shading and shredding is that shading causes the effect on several parts of the hair at once, while shredding causes the effect of small locks at a time, but even so this cut can also be done in a v or any other model for those who want options for voluminous hair.


Unlike the cuts above, this one is not very well known, much less mentioned in salons or on the internet, but for you who want a cut for voluminous hair it is essential.

This cut is peaked style, but it hits the part that most affects those who have voluminous hair that is the front.

This type of cut is very famous for being shredded on the front of voluminous hair, as it will make it weigh down, leaving the hair shorter and giving the impression of less volume.

Finally, we know that all women have some personal criticisms about their hair, it's rarely bulky hair, but like all the others it also bothers us, so we hope our bulky haircuts have helped at least a small part of this female population .

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