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Bronde Hair: find out how to lighten your hair with this technique

Summer is closer than we think, and that's why thousands of women have booked that little visit to the beauty salon, to lighten their hair using one of the thousands of techniques on the market. However, one of the most popular among hairdressers (a), is the Bronde Hair, which is perfect for those who don't want to be either blonde or brunette, and also want to keep the original hair color almost intact. The bronde hair is our topic for today, so stay tuned with us.  

But before you go around wanting to dye or lighten your hair, it's good that it's strong and healthy, isn't it? For this, you can count on the BeautyVip Hair, or as it is better known, the Divas Vitamin. These capsules for daily use are able to fight the main evils that affect our hair, such as lack of vitamins, dryness and hair breakage. Therefore, knowing its benefits is very worthwhile.  

 What is Bronde Hair? 

Let's talk a little more about this technique.

Lighting up hair has become the desire of thousands of women around the world. That's because lightened hair guarantees a lot of charm and elegance for any woman. In summer, when the sun's rays are at their maximum intensity, the hair that went through the lighting process shows what it came from, giving off an intense shine, capable of attracting the attention of those passing by.  

But to lighten the hair, there are several techniques, such as highlights, locks and the reflexes, and each one of them, guarantees a different result. However, one of the techniques that has won most women's heads (and hair) is the famous bronde hair.  

This technique consists of keeping the hair color closer to the original tone, being between a blonde and a dark brown, but without leaving aside the shine of the hair lighting. The name of the technique is given by the combination of brown and blonde in English. In this technique, the root is darker, and ends a little lighter than the rest of the hair.  

The bronde hair has already conquered several famous around the world, including actresses, singers and even the biggest models of the international catwalks. Below we will show you how this technique is applied to the hair, and also how to achieve the desired results.  

How to apply Bronde Hair? 

Unlike highlights or other procedures that dye locks of hair, bronde hai cannot be made at home, as it requires trained hands that know the techniques of hair colorimetry.  

1st step:  

If you do not have natural brown hair, the professional will have to dye it in this shade completely.  

2nd step:  

After coloring your hair, reflections of honey, tobacco, caramel and others will be applied to specific points of your hair. This way, the result will be much more uniform, with well distributed reflections.  

Advantages of Bronde Hair: 

As stated above, the bronde hair ensures a brighter look, and with a more summery look for any woman, but with the advantage of keeping your hair in its natural tone (for the owners of natural browns).  

The bronde hair can be done by anyone, but it's on brunettes that it really stands out, as it looks between blonde and brown. Even for the owners with beautiful black or blonde hair, the bronde hair technique is super indicated, as you just need to dye your hair brown. 

Another very big advantage of this technique is to avoid going to the salon to do a touch-up for a long time. That's because bronde hair produces a very natural effect on hair, which doesn't come off so easily, like highlights and highlights, for example.  

Difference between Bronde Hair and Sombre Hair: 

Do you know the difference between Bronde Hair and Sombre Hair? Not? So let's explain it to you.

Both techniques guarantee slightly more subtle results when it comes to lightening the hair. However, the sombre hair it is known to be applied in a more “disguised” way, that is, in a gradient. It is also applied to the hair roots, leaving a slightly smoky result.  

The bronde hair is done through reflections in the hair extension, made with lighter tones close to blonde. Both techniques ensure a brighter look for women, but are somewhat different in terms of results.  

The ideal is conversations with a trusted professional, as he will indicate the best procedure, according to the result you want. Also remember to keep your hair healthy through the use of BeautVip Hair Capsules.  

Let's stop here, but we hope you have learned a little more about the bronde hair technique. Until next time, and have a great bright summer. 

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