Broken hair? some tips for you

O hair é fácil de quebrar ao pentear? Portanto, saiba que você não está sozinho, muitos homens têm cabelos frágeis e isso reflete o problema de saúde do cabelo, que pode ser facilmente resolvido, para resolver este problema, separamos algumas dicas para ajudá-lo a cuidar de seus cabelos danificados e quais medidas podem ser tomadas para evitá-los. Confira!

How do you know if your hair is broken?

It's not hard to see this: usually when some strands conflict with others, the hair can break, to better explain this type of problem, we spoke with professional hairdresser Michelle Zettel, who said: “They are usually small and very rough. As they break down into specific parts (like the front and the tip), they are easy to identify. "

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Hair schedule is a good alternative to avoid broken hair

A part of the day dedicated to hair care and maintenance is an extremely necessary task, this allows you to deal with possible damage and even avoid falling out, it is easy to find suitable products for the hair. hair hydration, but remember that it's only worth using if your hair seems to be in trouble, as this may not have much effect.

Os especialistas afirmam: “Hidratação, reparação e nutrição são importantes para manter os cabelos saudáveis, mas não podem restaurar os cabelos quebrados, esse tratamento deve ser feito semanalmente para evitar que os cabelos fiquem quebradiços, ele concluiu que o cronograma capilar fará Devolva ao seu cabelo tudo de que você precisa, “água, nutrição, proteínas e lipídios”.

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It is necessary to pay extra attention if you have done any chemical process

Com a tendência crescente de homens com cabelos pintados, é preciso entender que quando o fio fica sem cor, o fio pode sofrer danos significativos com o tempo, a cabeleireira disse, “a nutrição e reconstrução dos cabelos é indicada para cabelos sensíveis que acabaram de sofrer tingimento químico ou descoloração,” a reconstrução é um passo importante, mas não deve ser feito em demasia, por meio da reconstrução e da queima, devolvemos a queratina e os aminoácidos, que fazem parte da composição do cabelo.

This helps to repair cracks caused by chemical processes, but despite the benefits, it is not recommended to rebuild every time, produce the opposite effect and damage the hair, recommends Michele, who also highlighted the importance of talking to a trusted professional to let him investigate your needs and help solve your problems.

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Other care needed in everyday life to escape brittle hair

To obtain satisfactory results, some attitudes that are very common in our daily lives must also be changed, you should avoid taking a bath in very hot water, combing your hair improperly and falling asleep after washing your hair, he said: “Cold water is very useful for the hair because it helps to seal the cuticle and better absorb the nutrients from the mask or conditioner.”

When combing, you must make correct and smooth movements, Michelle said: “The correct method of combing is always from the bottom up! This will remove the small scars that always appear at the end, and you can comb your hair without forcing,” if the wet hair to pinch and fall asleep, because it can Leave the hair strands moldy or even broken. "