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Brittle Hair: Learn How to Solve This Problem

Her hair is brittle and weak. Here you will learn about the causes and see how to treat them.

Having beautiful hair goes far beyond coloring and cutting it well, it's also about how healthy your strands are. Hair health depends a lot on our care routine, what we consume and external factors. Brittle, dull, porous and dry hair is an affront to our aesthetics, so care for prevention must be done frequently and when the hair is already weak, the treatment is doubled. 

Paying attention to the tresses is very necessary to understand what they are needing. So, that way we can follow a routine based on the hair's needs, making the best possible treatment. All that a weak hair needs is care and attention (and treatment is logical) so that they can develop in a healthy way and thus, becoming even more beautiful and healthy. 

But don't think that the only thing a hair needs is moisturizing with creams and oils. Internal treatment is also very important and this depends a lot on our diet. Having a nutrient-rich diet will ensure you have healthier hair. However, there is one more thing that is essential for a developed hair: BeautVip! It has capsules rich in vitamins and nutrients that ensure hair is strong, hydrated, shiny and full of life, so you can rock wherever you go. 

What is brittle hair? 

Do you know what they are and how to identify brittle hair?

Do you know when you run your hand through your hair and a few strands come out? Losing a few strands of hair is normal, but if this loss is in greater number, it is a good reason to be worried. This means the thread is breaking easily. At this point, it is necessary to pay attention to identify if the strands are shiny and healthy or if it is a case of damaged hair. If the second option is identified, immediate treatment is required. 

What is the difference between brittle hair and hair loss? 

In both cases, the hair presents a compromised health and it is a sign that the hair is not being treated correctly. However, these problems are not the same thing. Breakage occurs when you have damaged hair. Then the wires break in two. This occurs when our hair is dry due to lack of hydration, use of chemical products or very fragile. 

Hair loss, on the other hand, happens when the hair root detaches very easily from the scalp and goes unbroken. It can be related to several other problems such as the Fábia of nutrients in the body, stress, depression, disorders and others. Hair loss is a good sign of damaged hair, as the problems that cause hair to fall out can also prevent the arrival of nutrients to the strands. 

How do I know if I have brittle hair? 

Identifying brittle hair is not difficult, however some people still have doubts or don't know what to do about it. To find out if the hair is brittle, take a damp strand and stretch it slowly. If it breaks easily, we already know that this is a sign of damaged hair, so it is necessary to look for a good treatment. 

Ways to Treat Brittle Hair 


Washing your hair too often can contribute to brittle hair as it dries out the strands. To avoid damaged hair, do not wash every day and do not use hot water for washing. Respect the action time of the conditioner as described on the package and when combing, do it carefully so that the hair does not break. Avoid using dryers. 


Moisturizing your hair frequently is very important, especially when your hair is damaged and weak. Some homemade recipes can help you with this process. Honey, for example, is a powerful natural antibacterial and is able to protect the scalp from possible infections, irritations or dandruff. Put two tablespoons of honey in two tablespoons of water and apply to the hair, spreading along the entire length of the strand. Let it act for an hour. Wash and finish as usual. In cases of very fragile hair, look for treatments with keratin. 

use oils 

Using oils on damaged hair can help a lot to contain this problem, in addition to fighting dehydration, the eyes also leave hair soft and beautiful. You should apply vegetable oils to the entire length of the hair and massage them. Vegetable oils are easily found in health food stores. The best are jojoba oil, coconut almond and castor. Must be applied before washing in the form of moistening. 


What you consume on a daily basis makes a big difference to your hair health. Brittle hair is a sign of a lack of nutrients, this means that your consumption of nutrients needed by the hair is reduced. Consuming foods rich in vitamins and nutrients is very important. Vegetables, red meat, eggs and nuts are foods that should be included in your diet so that you can stay healthy and have beautiful hair. 

By following all the steps and adapting your routine, you can say goodbye to brittle hair. Care to keep hair healthy is important and must be followed correctly, not only taking into account the hair but also the health of the body itself, since some of the steps in the hair routine also involve taking care of the body. Give water! 

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